Hello BMS Families, “Order and discipline must be aimed at the attainment of human harmony, and any act that hinders the establishment of a genuine community of all mankind must be regarded as immoral and a threat to the life of society”. Dr. Maria Montessori. We started the month of November with a turkey theme to celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Our little friends learned about the parts of a turkey, the life cycle of a turkey, and the different types of turkeys. They also did worksheets and made a turkey craft and headband. The students also learned about which festival is associated with turkeys and why.
October Newsletter 2024
“We call it material for the development of the senses, but sense development is merely the consequence of the urge to do something with the hands. The children also gain the ability to control their movements with precision, and this skill brings them closer to maturity.” (Dr. Maria Montessori)
We started this fun month with the theme of 'Fall is Falling.' Our students learned about the season of fall and what happens during this time. They made many fall crafts, such as a fall booklet, a fall tree craft, and a happy fall headband. They also enjoyed a science experiment involving color changing.
For the second week of October, BMS’ little friends learned about nocturnal and diurnal animals and what these terms mean. They discovered which animals are nocturnal and which are diurnal, along with their qualities. Our friends also learned about the parts and life cycles of an owl and a bird, representing nocturnal and diurnal animals, respectively. They enjoyed making an owl headband and a goat face mask to represent these animals.
The following week, we focused on a very important part of our lives: hygiene. It was a week full of knowledge and fun activities. The children learned about what hygiene is and the importance of cleaning our bodies. They enjoyed a germ-killing experiment, which taught them how germs can be eliminated. They also participated in activities on how to clean themselves and brush their teeth. They made crafts such as Coughing Katie and a hygiene craft, and they enjoyed a nail-cutting activity. After this week, they are all ready to take care of their hygiene.
Our BMS children learned about human skeletons the following week. They discovered what a skeleton is, how it works, and the five types of bones in our bodies. They completed worksheets about human skeletons and created an amazing skeleton craft. On the last day of the week, our children enjoyed the fall party. It was delightful to see them all in their different costumes. We did a lot of fun activities, including the game 'Who Took the Candy from the Candy Jar.' The children paraded through the whole school, enjoyed trick-or-treating, and took fun-filled pictures at our photo booth. Lastly, we must thank all the BMS parents who helped make this event successful.
October is always a fun, spooky month, and the children had a blast. Here’s what your toddlers have been up to throughout October!
We kicked off the fall season with a botany week. The toddlers started by learning about the life cycle of a pumpkin. They then did an activity where they found little pumpkin shapes and named them. As the week continued, the toddlers engaged in a pumpkin life cycle sorting card activity. They even made their own pumpkins! They also reviewed different emotions and expressed them on their pumpkins.
The second week was Sensorial Texture Week. During this week, the toddlers made fall handprints using leaves they gathered outside. They also engaged in a learning activity using colored leaves to help count from 1 to 5. Additionally, they participated in various sensorial activities, such as beans bin and a corn and leaves bin. These sensorial bins help the toddlers develop their fine motor skills by using tongs to pick up the objects. On the last day of the week, the toddlers collected leaves of various sizes and shapes.
Week two children learned about the calendar. The week started with the children reviewing the seven days of the week in sequence. Our toddlers learned the days of the week and months of the year. They learned how to engage with the calendar, noting what they were doing each day. As the week progressed, they painted leaves and pumpkins with various fall colors to their liking. The week concluded with the toddlers creating their own weather charts, showcasing different types of weather.
Week three was all about zoology, focusing on insects, bats, and spiders. These last two weeks were full of Halloween spirit—so spooky! At the beginning of the week, the toddlers had a blast with a bats and spider sensory bin. They also made a spider craft that helped develop their fine motor skills, and a bat craft with various shapes, enhancing their shape recognition. To end the week, the toddlers created coffee filter bag crafts, which were so fun to watch them make! They also participated in a spider ring stacking activity, trying to see how high they could stack the rings. This activity kept them thoroughly engaged!
Finally, the last week of this fall month was dedicated to science. We explored pumpkins, carving, and the human skeleton. The toddlers learned about the human body and participated in activities like creating skeletons out of Q-tips, which helped them understand body parts. Continuing with the theme, the toddlers colored pumpkin sheets, showing off their creative sides. To conclude the month, they engaged in a sorting activity with pumpkins of different sizes—small, medium, and large—helping them learn to compare and sort objects.
Thank you for reading this month’s newsletter! We can’t wait to share what our children will be doing next month.
September Newsletter 2024
We can see clearly what is necessary to give in order to help the child. It is to give the possibility of independence, of living together and carrying out social experiences. (Dr. Maria Montessori)
We started the month of September with the theme of Apples. For this theme, we learned about different types of apples, the parts of an apple, and things made from apples. We also read the story of Johnny Appleseed. Our students completed worksheets, made Johnny Appleseed headbands, and colored a Johnny Appleseed coloring book.
During the second week of September, BMS scholars explored the theme of the five senses. They were introduced to each sense and its function, using Montessori sensorial materials to enhance their learning. For the sense of hearing, we used sound cylinders; for touch, we incorporated touch tablets and mystery bags; and for smell, we utilized olfactory bottles. To explore taste, our little friends enjoyed a fun 'test of tasting' game. The BMS scholars were very excited throughout the week. They completed worksheets and created crafts such as a 'My Five Senses' crown, 'I Hear with My Ear,' and ‘I See with My Eye.’
The third week was full of fun and learning. This week, we focused on community helpers. The students learned about what a community is and who community helpers are. They also learned about medical helpers and people who assist us every day. Our friends completed worksheets and made crafts such as a policeman, a chef's hat, a construction worker's hat, and a medical bag. The BMS students were very excited to dress up as their favorite community helper, and they looked amazing on the dress up day of the week.
During the fourth week of September, our little friends explored the different seasons and why they change. They learned about what happens in winter, what we wear in each season, what we can see in spring, and various summer activities. They also discovered why leaves change color in the fall and the difference between weather and seasons. BMS' little friends completed informative worksheets and created a craft representing the four seasons. We also read books about why seasons change. It was a week filled with new discoveries, and the children were excited that fall had begun, as fall is full of fun. Happy fall to everyone!
Welcome to September! The toddlers had a fantastic start to the month. We kicked off the first week with Grandparents Week. The grandparents visited the school and read stories to the toddler, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Our children also made special cards for their grandparents to take home.
During the second week, the children learned about the different parts of an apple. We explored what’s inside an apple and named each part. We also talked about how apples come in various colors, such as red, yellow, and green. For our art activity, the children created apple stamp prints by dipping apples in paint and stamping them onto paper. We also practiced counting by using apple-themed charts. To wrap up the week, we had a fun culinary activity where the children made apple tarts to take home and enjoy with their families.
During the third week, we focused on safety rules, grace, and courtesy in our classroom. Ms. Kristal taught the children how to line up properly and stand in line without touching their friends. We used a toddler rope to help them keep their hands to themselves and stay in a straight line. This lesson also helped the toddlers practice following directions and using their listening skills. Throughout the week, we also worked on saying 'please,' 'thank you,' and 'excuse me.’
Our final week was amazing as we focused on 'All About Me’. We began counting our family members using small figurines to see how many people are in our family. Next, we measured our children's height by using the red rods. We also did tissue paper name tracing to help toddlers concentrate and stay on the lines. The children also took home an 'All About Me' worksheet to complete with their families. Once finished, they had the opportunity to present it to their classmates, which was special because it gave us deeper insight into each child. It was so exciting to see their smiles when it was their turn to share. This was a fantastic month full of activities and learning, and we can’t wait for October to bring even more fun and learning!
August Newsletter 2024
“When a child is given a little leeway, he will at once shout, ’I want to do it!’ But in our schools, which have an environment adapted to children’s needs, they say, ‘Help me to do it alone.’”—The Secret of Childhood
We kicked off August with an exciting theme, diving into the world of fantasy. The children had a blast crafting their own kings' and queens' crowns and creating dragon art with paper plates. To add a magical touch, we set up a fantasy-themed backdrop for beautiful photos of the children dressed as their favorite fantasy characters. On the final day of the theme, the children came dressed as princes and princesses, and everyone looked fantastic. It was a joy to see them having so much fun and embracing their imaginations.
In the second week of August, we focused on healthy food and the food pyramid, an important theme for our little ones’ health and growth. They learned about which types of food are beneficial for their bodies and how to make healthy choices. Our children also enjoyed creating crafts featuring healthy and unhealthy foods. It was a week filled with valuable information and lessons that will help them lead healthier lives.
The third week of August focused on construction and building. Our students explored the world of construction, learning about tools and vehicles used in construction. Our friends also learned about Montessori geometric solids. They had a fantastic time creating a house using basic geometric shapes and building a bridge out of popsicle sticks. They also did crafts for construction workers. It was an exciting week full of hands-on learning, and our BMS little ones thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
During the fourth week of August, we had fun learning about camping. The children learned what is needed for camping, why people camp, and the benefits of camping. They also created crafts like campfires and tents. Our students especially enjoyed the experience of "camping" at school and making S'mores. It was a great adventure for our little explorers.
In the final week of August, our little friends eagerly prepared to kick off the new school year. We refreshed our classrooms with a new sense of spirit and excitement. The children also learned about Dr. Maria Montessori, the founder of the Montessori system, and celebrated her 154th birthday. It was a fun and educational celebration that perfectly aligned with our theme, honoring her legacy in education.
Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870, in Chiaravalle, Italy. After studying educational philosophy and anthropology, she became a lecturer at the University of Rome. In 1907, she opened the first Casa dei Bambini, where she introduced educational materials that truly engaged children. She discovered that when placed in an environment supporting their natural development, children could educate themselves. By 1909, she had given her first training course, marking the beginning of the Montessori method.
We celebrated Dr. Maria Montessori’s birthday in a special way! The celebration included sharing snacks with friends and using materials in creative ways. The children used their number tiles to identify how old Dr. Montessori would be today, learning about tens, hundreds, and thousands in the process. We also enjoyed reading a few books about her life and looking at her pictures. It was a fun and educational tribute. Happy Birthday, Dr. Maria Montessori!
Hello BMS Toddler Parents!
We wrapped up a fantastic summer and welcomed the new school year with our little ones. Here’s a look at what the toddlers experienced in August.
We focused on physical play during the first week. The toddlers enjoyed a shape hopscotch game, where they named the shapes they landed on. They also practiced tossing soft balls into a basket and navigated a walking maze, balancing carefully on a line. For one-on-one lessons, the toddlers built pink towers and brown stairs. On Fun Fridays, they created vibrant tie-dye shirts, which turned out beautifully colorful. It was a great way to end the week!
Moving into the second week our little children explored colors and shapes. The toddlers engaged in a variety of colorful activities and practiced color naming. They sorted colored bears and dinosaurs to match colors correctly, participated in a shape hunt around the classroom, and played shapes and color bingo. Additionally, they enjoyed a color scavenger hunt and tackled fun shape puzzles matching outlines. The week was filled with vibrant ways to learn and identify colors and shapes!
The third week was all about sorting. The toddlers began by sorting objects by size—large, medium, and small. They then practiced sorting numbers and letters, learning to recognize them out of order to improve their spelling skills. A fun activity involved sorting fruit loops by shaping them into the letter "O," combining learning with a tasty treat. They also engaged in shape sorting, identifying and matching objects to various shapes. To wrap up the week, they enjoyed a color sorting activity using cardboard, which further reinforced their color naming skills. It was a week filled with engaging and educational sorting activities!
The final week of August focused on school routines, marking the start of the new school year. They reviewed the classroom routine, created back-to-school art crafts by painting school buses with their footprints, and enjoyed a show-and-tell where they shared special objects with their new and returning friends. They also practiced their fine motor skills with an apple bobbing activity, transferring apples from one bucket to another. The month concluded with a celebration of Dr. Maria Montessori’s birthday, rounding off a wonderful and engaging month.
July Newsletter 2024
When a child is given a little leeway, he will at once shout, ‘I want to do it!’ But in our schools, which have an environment adapted to children’s needs, they say, ‘Help me to do it alone” - Dr. Maria Montessori
We started the month of July with the theme of patriotism. Our little friends made a 4th of July ice cream craft and learned about the meaning of Independence Day and their country. They completed worksheets about important places in America and made firework crafts. BMS's little friends enjoyed decorating a cake to celebrate the 4th of July, which they ate during snack time at the 4th of July party. We sincerely appreciate the cooperation of BMS parents in celebrating this important day.
During the second week of this month, we learned about the difference between bugs and insects. Our little scholars made a bug jar craft and played a bug and insect memory game. They also worked with Montessori nomenclature cards on this theme, and our kindergarteners created a garden craft featuring bugs and flowers with great devotion and interest.
Our second and third weeks of July were full of excitement and creativity. During these two weeks, our little artists made some beautiful crafts. They created dolls, bird nests, paintings, rock art, flower vases, flower bouquets, bugs on leaves, flower headbands, wind chimes, fishbowls, rainbow friendship bracelets, and many more items. We have a showcase featuring the wonderful arts and crafts masterpieces created by our BMS little artists.
The month of July is over and our toddlers had an amazing time. We started off with stars, stripes, and smiles. The toddlers created a 4th of July ice cream craft using red, white, and blue food coloring. These colors inspired the children as they represent the colors of the flag. The children then named each color as they used them. This activity helped with their fine motor skills as well as language development. Ms. Kristal read a book titled Made in America.
Reading a story helps children learn about sounds, language, and the pictures in the book. Reading to children stimulates their imagination and social skills. The children also learned about different foods, ingredients, and techniques, which can enhance their senses, such as taste and smell. We made a 4th of July fruit cup using the colors of the month, which were red, white, and blue. We also had a great time working on our summer projects this month.
We engaged with children in a tree shape sorting activity. As they placed each shape on the matching spot on the tree, we encouraged them to name the shapes. It was incredible to watch and listen as they completed the task.
Following our shadow art project, our friends created shadows of themselves and dinosaurs, using the sun to cast dramatic and dynamic shapes. This activity supports cognitive development and encourages children to use creativity as they explore different ways to cast shadows on surfaces. Children love watching their own shadows and making movements.
Here at Blossom Montessori School, we love to see our children achieve their learning goals. We are excited to start our new school year with new opportunities for learning and exploration.
JUNE Newsletter 2024
“Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.-John Updike
We welcome summer with a huge smile. For us, summertime is always the best of what might be. It means relaxing, fun activities, creating art and craft projects, reconnecting with friends that have graduated to elementary school, going to the beach, Disneyland, or on vacations, visiting family, having picnics, and enjoying pool parties. Yay, clearly fun, fun, fun!
The warm summer breeze took us to a fun filled month. In the first week of June, we entered our very first week of summer fun with the theme of venturing into the wilderness. We created shoe box panoramas to explore thick jungles, wild animals, and their habitats. Students also experienced fireflies and darkness, learned how to care for nature, protect our planet, and enjoy our beautiful natural gifts by listening to sounds during our nature walks. They also made long, floppy bunny ear headpieces to take home along with worksheets.
In the second week, we had a blast with our ancient dinosaur friends. We played "Pin the Tail on the Dinosaur," learned the dinosaurs’ names, and explored the different categories of dinosaurs, such as carnivores and herbivores. We also learned about the dinosaurs’ habitats and the nature of their times. We even did a practical life lesson of digging up bones and fossils, which was one of their favorites. Kindergarten students put all the bones together to learn about and experience being paleontologists. We used Montessori worksheets, coloring sheets, models, and picture cards to develop our knowledge of dinosaurs.
In the third week, we enjoyed learning about the Summer Olympics and aquatic play. It was an extremely fun week. We started getting ready to watch the Olympics in July 2024 by learning about the background of how and where the first Olympics started. We also learned where they are going to be held this year, what the symbol of the Olympics is, what sports skills are needed to join the Olympics, what the Olympic torch represents, and many other things about the Olympics. We played fun games and created headpieces along with many arts and crafts related to this topic.
Finally, we wrapped up the month with our Infinity and Beyond week. We started by learning about the Solar System, the planets, and our great big Sun. We explored our Solar System through pictures, Montessori worksheets, matching cards, and coloring sheets. We continued our fun by making space shuttles, jet packs, sky labs, and a space hat that featured the Solar System. We also had fun thinking about what snacks we would take to space.
We had an extremely fun month with marvelous themes. We watched our beautiful students smile and giggle while ultimately bonding. We achieved our goal of creating a fun summer month for our sweet angels. We thank all our parents for sending the requested supplies and for all that you do. We will bring you more news in July. Until then, we wish you all a safe and fun summer!
Hello BMS Parents! Here is a summary of the month of June with our toddlers and all the fun activities! We started off week one with Space Week projects. The toddlers first did a science experiment called the “Fizzy Moon” project. In this activity, the toddlers became little scientists by using drops of vinegar on baking soda to create a cool fizzy reaction! They also created their own spaceships using the letters of their names. This week, we also introduced the solar system using a puzzle where they learned the names of the planets. They also did a painting activity. To end the first week, the toddlers made foil-printed moon crafts, creating their own moon designs using foil. They had so much fun this week! Our little astronauts!
For week two, the theme was Family and Friends Week. This week was so touching and loving for all of our families and friends. The toddlers painted their family trees and did a sensory bin activity with photos they brought from home, identifying each photo they picked. It was so much fun digging through the bin and seeing who they chose each time. The last two days of this week were dedicated to friends, so the toddlers did a group painting activity, creating a hand wreath of every friend in the class. It was heartwarming to see all our toddlers creating something special together. To end the week, the toddlers also created a friendship tree using their thumbprints. This activity was both creative and fun.
To finish up June, the last two weeks' theme was Beach, Shell, and Ocean. Starting off the first week, they did a seashell recognition activity with different shapes of seashells. They explored the various sizes and shapes of the shells and made sea animal coasters. In the last week of the month, the toddlers fed a shark, which helped build their fine motor and number skills. They also did an activity matching Fruit Loops to jellyfish, helping them with their colors and counting the Fruit Loops placed on the jellyfish. Additionally, the toddlers painted their own seashells and had sensory play with frozen sea animals! The fun didn’t stop there! Our boys and girls started fishing on their own to catch fish, an activity that helped them with eye-hand coordination. Finally, the last day of the month was our fun Friday! We had a picnic and splash day outside, which was perfect for summer!
This month was a blast with our toddler friends! Thanks for reading this month's newsletter. Can’t wait to see what’s in store next month.
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” ...
Hello BMS Parents! We started the month of May with the topic of Australia and Australian wildlife. To learn about this, we did group lessons, worksheets, and crafts. Our little friends learned about the political divisions of Australia and the unique animals that live there, colored the Australian flag, and enjoyed creating Australian dot art.
In the second week of this month, our little scholars learned about the Great Barrier Reef and the parts of a flower. For the introduction to the Great Barrier Reef and marine wildlife, we conducted a group lesson where we read various books and showed pictures of marine life and the reef. Our little angels also learned about the types of flowers in Australia and the parts of a flower.
The most exciting part of this week was the Family Day celebration. Our children prepared songs to perform in front of their parents, and their performances were amazing. Our little angels expressed love and gratitude by creating beautiful crafts with their families. Additionally, the children made portraits of their moms to show them how beautiful they are. We sincerely appreciate the BMS Parents who took the time to attend and contribute to the success of our program.
During the third week of May, BMS’s little scholars learned about reptiles versus amphibians. They explored various aspects, including the different body parts of turtles, the life cycle of salamanders, and an introduction to amphibians. Additionally, they enjoyed creating alligator crafts. In another group lesson, they compared alligators to crocodiles. Overall, the students had an engaging and educational experience.
During the fourth week of this month, our children experienced excitement and significance. The theme was rocks and minerals, and our little geniuses learned about different rock types, the rock life cycle, famous formations, stones, and minerals. We explored these topics through reading books and engaging in group lessons. The highlight of the week was our Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony—a thrilling moment when all kindergarteners showcased their overall development. Their confident performances were met with cheers from teachers, parents, and BMS friends. We wish our graduates continued success, and may this achievement serve as a stepping stone to even greater heights in their journey.
Here is another month of learning with our toddlers and their fun activities. We started the first week with Mother's Day projects. We engaged the toddlers in making a "Happy Mother's Day" plate craft with a handprint inside. They also created handmade Mother's Day cards with a heart-shaped canvas. In each project, we explained to them how much their mothers mean to them and how special they are, encouraging each toddler to make crafts for their mother.
During the first week, the toddlers also used their concentration skills to complete a science project called "Dancing Popcorn," using simple ingredients such as water, vinegar, and baking soda.
During the second week, we learned about practical life skills. We started with sorting fruits and vegetables. We learned the differences between them and verbally named the fruits and vegetables along with their colors. Then we moved on to raking leaves and transferring them into a bag. The next activity was a one-on-one exercise where we picked flowers and arranged them in a vase. This helps children develop their visual discrimination skills.
We had a fun day on Friday where the toddlers made a bird feeder out of a tissue paper roll, sunflower butter, and popcorn seeds. The children enjoyed putting the seeds on the sunflower butter, enhancing their practical life skills. It was also a great activity for improving concentration.
Our third week focused on botany and flowers. The toddlers sorted fruits and vegetables while we discussed the differences between them. Then we introduced the parts of plants, such as the roots, stem and leaves and the toddlers completed a worksheet on what a plant needs. Each toddler had to tell us or point out the four things a healthy plant needs
Our last activity of the week was a color-changing flower science experiment. The toddlers enjoyed watching white carnation flowers turn red, blue, orange, and green using only water and food coloring.
Our last week of May focused on zoology. We started with a "Caterpillar to Butterfly" worksheet to help the toddlers learn about the transformation process. We also played a matching game with zoo animals and language cards, discussing what each animal eats and does at the zoo. Then, we talked about which animals live on land and which ones live in water, and the toddlers had to identify and show us where each animal lives. As we end the month of May with exciting learning and fun, we look forward to more adventures in the coming month.
“Spring’s greates joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.”- Edgar Guest
As we welcome beautiful, balmy weather and the fragrance of Spring rain, late sunsets, songbirds in the mornings, the essence of spring fills us with wide smiles. However April brings with it the realization that our school year is quickly approaching an end. Our students are busily working on final projects remaining for the rest of the school year.
All of our students are showing amazing strides of growth in all areas. Our kindergartner’s are learning to read sentences, books and operations of all mathematical concepts. Many have explored reading primary phonics book sets and completing their workbooks. We are extremely proud of all of them and enjoy each one of them everyday.
We started the month exploring the beautiful continent of South America. We learned about location, various tribes, traditions, beliefs, clothing, shelter, animals, traditional sports, plants, and lifestyles. We also took an imaginary trip to the world's largest Rainforest and enjoyed some fresh river time with monkeys and lovely music. They had a taste of some tropical fruits from South America such as papaya, pine apple, avocado and plantains.
We moved into the second week learning and experiencing the most amazing Total Solar Eclipse happening in North America, passing over Mexico, United states and Canada. Our wonderful students made a hat and three small cards to display what happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth. Our kindergarten students enjoyed the Eclipse picnic outdoors all equipped with special solar glasses to protect their eyes. We experienced the sky getting dark as if it were dawn or dusk.
Throughout the rest of the week, we delved into the wonders of new life emerging in spring, exploring the life cycles of turtles, bees, frogs, chickens, fish, butterflies, ladybugs, and plants.We are thrilled with our new classroom materials that focus on the life cycles of animals.
Our third week was filled with an understanding of cultural beliefs and the significance of the month of Ramadan in cultural traditions.We had a detailed presentation from Maha’s Mom about the true meaning of Ramadan, symbols,and enjoyed delicious Samosas to savor the authentic flavors of Middle Eastern treats. Our primary students created a colorful shiny mosque as a Ramadan card.
We also learned that Earth Day is every day, however we paid special attention to clean up our environment. We paid attention to three R’s.(reduce, recycle and reuse). We all took over the responsibility of cleaning around our playground, caring for the plants we have in our room, and also watering our beautiful garden. Our lessons provided us with a wonderful understanding of how to appreciate and nurture the world around us. We have so many things to be thankful for.
We wrapped up our month by exploring Nature around us and adding new words to our vocabulary such as “ simple leaf, compound Leaf”, parts of the leaf “apex, veins, blade, petiole, stipules” etc. Who doesn't adore a scavenger hunt? We had a Nature scavenger hunt that truly sparked a connection with the outdoors for our children. They all strengthened their bond with nature. What an exhilarating month it has been, filled with unforgettable experiences, all thanks to your assistance.
We are grateful to all of you for your unending support as always.
April bids farewell! Here's a glimpse into the activities our toddlers engaged in throughout the month: During the first week, we explored science. The toddlers explored the water cycle with a hands-on activity and also distinguishing the difference between hot and cold. We also discussed the importance of clean water and its necessity. As a fun experiment, the toddlers participated in a color-changing flower activity, sparking their excitement. Additionally, they collaborated on a group project, constructing bird's nests using various natural materials gathered from outside.
Moving on to the second week, we focused on sensorial and practical life activities. The toddlers engaged in a variety of tasks, starting with a weather handprint chart that depicted different seasons. As a means to improve their balance skills, our toddlers confidently walked along a line delineated by painter's tape. Additionally, we worked on matching the magnetic alphabets to the alphabets on a worksheet. Our toddlers had an absolute blast immersing themselves in the vibrant process of creating rainbow rice for a sensory bin.
The toddlers explored the concept of sizes by manipulating large and small objects. We also engaged in sidewalk chalk art, where they had an opportunity to draw using chalk on the sidewalk in our playground. Afterward, they sprayed water on their drawings to create a watercolor effect.
During week three, our focus shifted to zoology and caring for nature, particularly our pets. Throughout the week, we explored the life cycles during circle time lessons. We observed the life cycle of a frog and how it progresses from tadpole to an adult frog. Our children also explored the lifecycle of a turtle, witnessing their journey from egg to turtle. We organized a spring nature bug hunt, allowing the children to venture out with their paper bags and collect toy play bugs to place inside their bags.
Following, we delved into rainforest animals, discussing the various species inhabiting these lush ecosystems and their diets. Wrapping up the week, our toddlers engaged in a creative paper plate turtle craft, using a paper plate to craft a turtle and decorating it to their liking.
Following week was centered around Earth Day and caring for our planet. To kick off the week, the toddlers created Earth Day Windsock crafts. We explored the importance of recycling, discussing why and what we recycle.
Our toddlers worked with a Puzzle Globe that had large, chunky pieces of continents. They worked with the globe to identify the continents and their specific positions on Earth. They also did some coloring worksheets. Each planted their own flower during our children 's participation in a seed planting activity to witness their daily growth. Wrapping up the week, our toddlers had a blast with Earth Day dirt cups, crafting their own delicious treats using chocolate pudding, gummy worms, and graham crackers. So yummy!
Thank you for reading our April newsletter. Stay tuned for our May adventures!
“I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." — Thomas Jefferson
We welcome Spring with open arms! In spring, we experience winter and summer all in one day. The month of March was filled with fun school events. We started the month learning about the continent of Africa. Children enjoyed learning about the music, weather, languages, food and clothing from Africa. Our children got the opportunity to dress up like Africans and dance to some lovely beats. As a fun art lesson our young artists painted a beautiful sunset and created a lovely wall banner. During this first week we also celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday by reading a few of his famous books.
We moved on to the second week and learned about living and nonliving things. We were all excited to celebrate National’s Women’s Day/week. Children participated by sharing the important women in their life. Our angels brought in a poster or pictures of the women most important to them. It was so nice getting to know a little bit about women empowerment. During this week our children got a glimpse of fractions using some of our common fruits. After learning about fractions, we shared and enjoyed yummy fruits with our classmates.
We started the third week by learning about different types of butterflies and their life cycle. The children learned about the life cycle of the butterfly using our Montessori science materials and cards. We also did some worksheets on the parts of the butterfly.
During this week we were ready and excited to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. As Thursday approached, our excitement mounted in anticipation of our discussion about Ireland. We examined the flag, learned its colors and delved into the tale of the origins of St. Patrick’s Day. Finally, Friday arrived and we were all excited to see what Lennie the Leprechaun left for us. First, Little Lennie ran all over the classroom and left his footprints everywhere including our tables. He seemed like he was hungry and decided to steal some of our snacks. Silly Lennie! He was nice enough that on his way out he left some gold coins for our children. We had so much fun finding the golden coins and were happy Lennie was nice to us.
The following week, we greeted the arrival of spring, accompanied by pleasant rainfall to begin the season. Ourchildren this week learned a little more about Africa. We talked about what trees, fruits and vegetables are known in Africa. Our primary children shared some vegetables and fruits that are well liked in Africa. We also used these fruits and vegetables to learn about classifying. Children were able to see which is small,medium and large. We also dug into learning more about many life cycles, including seeds, roots, ladybugs, chicken, bees, birds and many more. All our children enjoyed our brand-new lesson gifted to us from school. The week ended, with our children bringing a book from home for us to read with everyone.
The month of March swiftly passed by, filling our days with busyness and joy. We are looking forward to April fun!! Toddlers March was a great start to our Spring Bling Season. The toddlers made colorful rainbows and colored teddy bear leprechauns to start off the month of March. The little ones discovered many new things this month. We talked about the color green, counted from one to ten, and learned that March is in the spring season. We walked outside to see what we could find for springtime, such as flowers, birds, bees, ladybugs, and butterflies. What an awesome way to explore our environment and share with our little friends! Our BMS toddlers counted and named the color of all the items they collected.
For practical life, we practiced our skills by using tongs to pick up colorful bears and put them in matching bowls. We also used tongs to place colorful eggs on a bunny-shaped tray. These activities help us improve our motor skills and coordination.
Our toddlers love circle time the most. They enjoy singing the good morning song and nursery rhymes. During this time, we learn the alphabet in English and Spanish, as well as numbers, colors, and shapes. During lesson time, the toddlers color worksheets that explain numbers, colors, shapes, and much more in both English and Spanish. Our toddlers always love our Friday science and arts projects.
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, our toddlers wore green clothes and were invited to bring green fruits, drinks, jelly, or anything else green for everyone to enjoy.
The last week of the month was our Easter week. Our toddlers started Easter week with a fun shaving cream egg activity, where toddlers put plastic eggs into shaving cream with food coloring. Feeding paper carrots to our cardboard bunny was a blast! We also made Easter bunnies from toilet paper rolls and dyed hard-boiled eggs in different colors. Our toddlers had a great time scooping small styrofoam eggs into a bowl. March ended with a spring egg hunt and lots of fun activities.
We learned something new every day in March, and there are plenty more exciting adventures on the way in April.
February 2024 NEWSLETTER
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” (Maria Montessori)
During our first week, we went on a journey called "Groundhog Day." We learned a lot about groundhogs and the funny names for baby animals. We did fun art and craft activities. As February went on, we learned even more about Groundhog Day and how animals take care of their babies. We did worksheets about groundhogs, what they eat, and where they live. We also made cute headbands that looked like groundhog faces. Everyone was excited to learn about the story behind Groundhog Day and to see if the groundhog would see its shadow. If it did, it meant more winter. If not, it meant spring was coming soon.
Following weeks, we covered topics on United States Presidents, Valentine's Day, and our 100th day of school celebration. We delved into learning about the Presidents of the USA organizing them in chronological order from the past to the present and explored patriotic themes, including learning the national anthem. We utilized flashcards to memorize the names of the Presidents of the USA.
For our 100th day celebration, we engaged in counting activities, such as counting red hearts from one to ten and counting different objects from one to 100. We also dressed up as part of our 100 days activities
In the third week, we celebrated Valentine's day at school, focusing on love and acts of kindness. Throughout the week, we celebrated love, friendship, and kindness, with parents contributing to the festivities. Our students eagerly participated, making special cards for their families and exchanging treats and friendship cards with classmates to showcase their love for Valentine’s Day. We worked on crafts, like gluing red tissue paper onto white hearts.. Our Valentine's Day party was a highlight! The BMS faculty extends heartfelt gratitude to the parents for their continuous support in making our events enjoyable. Our young scholars were thrilled to celebrate Valentine's Day!
Moreover we learned about the continent of Asia, including the names of the continent's countries, populations, and cultural elements. We indulged in exploring Asian animals and did worksheets for all the learning and the fun. Our students eagerly absorbed knowledge about Asia's diverse cultures and geography through presentations on Sri Lanka and China. To explore the largest continent further, our esteemed faculty member, Ms. Savi, presented on Sri Lanka. After her engaging presentation, Ms. Savi delighted our kindergarteners with Sri Lanka's favorite fruits, mangoes, and pomegranates, much to their excitement. Following this, we delved into another presentation about China, the largest country in Asia. This presentation was given by one of our parents, Ms. Sunny. The BMS faculty expresses sincere appreciation to Ms. Sunny for imparting valuable information about China and its traditions, including Chinese New Year festivities.
Additionally, we learned about community helpers and dental hygiene through engaging presentations, sparking curiosity and excitement among our little scholars. We enjoyed learning about dental care and healthy eating habits. We attended a dental hygiene presentation where we learned about preventing dental issues. Our young friends eagerly answered the dentist's questions and were delighted to see a large molar model. For our Worker Day, we dressed up as our favorite future professions and enjoyed fun activities like fingerprint art.
In the final days of this wonderful month, we explored the art styles of Asian artists. To do this, we engaged in creating cherry blossom art and crafts. Our young learners had fun finger painting cherry blossom trees. Additionally, we learned about viviparous and oviparous animals through worksheets, adding an educational twist to our activities!
Our Toddlers were engaged in various activities such as making heart-shaped Play-Doh cookies of different colors and sizes.
Furthermore, we focused on culinary activities. We created heart shapes using Cheerios and pipe cleaners, washed fruits and vegetables, and practiced measuring dry ingredients. Additionally, we engaged in a sensory play activity with Jell-O, where children searched for alphabets in the Jell-O. Finally, we decorated sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles to wrap up the week.
We focused on practical life skills. Our young ones engaged in activities such as sorting pom-poms by size and color, and transferring objects using scoops and spoons. We practiced transfer activities, where the children scooped hearts from one bowl to another. We also transferred plastic hearts using small spoons to another bowl. Additionally, we conducted a science experiment called "Making Rain," using shaving cream, water, and blue food coloring. The children found this experiment enjoyable and had a lot of fun participating in it.
Furthermore, we focused on culinary activities. We created heart shapes using Cheerios and pipe cleaners, washed fruits and vegetables, and practiced measuring dry ingredients. Additionally, we engaged in a sensory play activity with Jell-O, where children searched for alphabets in the Jell-O. Finally, we decorated sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles to wrap up the week.
February overflowed with excitement and enjoyment. Stay tuned for upcoming activities in March!
January 2024 Newsletter
“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.”- Helen Keller
Toddlers: Newsletter January 2024 Hello Toddler parents, what an awesome start to our New Year. January was full of fun with great learning and activities. This month also brought in some new faces for our toddler classrooms. We would like to welcome them with open arms and smiling faces here at Blossoms Montessori.
We started off by talking about Winter and winter weather information. We talked about cold and icy habitats like the arctic and antarctic. We also discussed different regions of the United States that get cold and snowy.
The toddlers learned about animals that live in the cold like penguins and polar bears. We also learned that some animals sleep through the entire winter, and this is called hibernation. We learned that these animals come back out in the spring, and we are excited to see our playground full of bunnies. For crafts, our toddlers placed cotton balls on the tummy of a penguin, and also on a polar bear.
Our toddlers then dressed up Mr. Bear in the appropriate clothing for winter. We discussed why it's important to dress warm in the winter, because we don't want to catch a cold! We read a book called “I See Winter” and we continue to read a special winter book every week. We have also read, “Let It Snow”, “The Snowy Day”, and “One Winter Day.”
The toddlers learned how to count and identify the values of numbers with the peg board. We also counted marshmallows and snowflakes! For our sensorial, our toddlers learned how to walk a maze using the red rods. This lesson helps our toddlers concentrate, but also it helps them strengthen their coordination and balance. This week the BMS toddlers had fun matching colored bean bags. During this lesson, the toddlers had to name the color as they placed thecorrect bean bag on the color card. They also matched their shapes with the bean bags. For fun, we even did a bean bag toss! We also introduced the toddlers toBIGand small.
We all enjoyed a craft where we made an eskimo and an igloo! We colored our eskimo however we wanted, and then placed each cotton ball as ice blocks for the igloo. We did a fun lesson where we filled our spray bottle with food coloring and water, and then sprayed coffee filters and made beautiful snowflakes. As we end the month with great learning and success we are excited to see what next month brings with new activities and adventures to make our toddlers happy each day.
Primary Hello Parents! We are all delighted with excitement to start the New Year with an energetic spirit. Happy New Year to you all! We all are extremely happy to see our little students return to their classroom routines after the holiday break. It seems the time away was just what they needed to recharge their minds and yearn for more time with friends and teachers. We began the month with a fun lesson that explored many cultures. The students learned how to say “hello” and “happy new year” in different languages. We also reviewed the annual calendar through songs we sang each month in order. Following this, we made cards for loved ones. I hope you were lucky enough to receive one of these! The next topic on our monthly agenda was to learn about cold and windy Antarctica. Appropriate considering most of the country is in a deep chill at the moment. The children learned about Antarctica’s geographic location, animals, transportation system and also weather patterns in other cold regions. They all enjoyed our story times as well.The Arctic and Antarctic lifestyle seem to pique a lot of interest. Our BMS Angels showed great intent learning information about hibernation patterns of animals, especially penguins. We rounded off the cold winter theme by learning about the coldest states in the USA. Between creating dioramas and personal igloos, it’s safe to say the students are now ready to be Eskimos. We created a beautiful poster to decorate our classroom wall. We also learned about the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. The main takeaway being his message to practice kindness to all. Our lesson included a “Dream Big” session, where we discussed the importance of working passionately for great results. Learning about the solar system and layers of the earth has opened up their little minds to care for our one and only Earth. We’ve learned to respect and gain a greater appreciation for the fairness of Earth. The monthly science focus was on Liquids, Solids and Gases. The students learned the properties of each form and how to recognize these elements in daily life. Our BMS Scientists experimented with a few science projects to understand these three elements well. To develop the pencil grip, we included several activities along with our topics above to the practical life shelf. Our classroom favorites were: place glass beads on the snow flake, fill the snowman jar with cotton balls using a tweezer, and match the pompoms to the same color gloves using chopsticks. I am beaming with pride for our hard-working Kindergarten group. It’s great to see them learn to read, blending sounds and develop penmanship. We are excited for our student’s growth of empowering minds. We lead them on the correct path for great discovery!
December 2023 NEWSLETTER
“Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.”- Mary Ellen Chase
January is here and our 2023 year is over. We had lots of fun in the previous months, but our favorite month was most definitely December. We were all excited for the fun events, the songs, Santa Claus, presents and most importantly the time we will spend with our loved ones.
During the first week of this month the children were introduced to many different practical life, math, and language holiday works. The practical life work was their favorite because they had bells, Christmas bows, beads and many other colorful holiday shapes. In the math area they really enjoyed the cards and counters. All the cards were cut outs of Christmas trees, gingerbread, and snowmen. One of their favorite works that we did this month was learning about Santa Claus clothes. We also started practicing for our Christmas show which was going to happen in the middle of the month. We worked so hard on our Brown bag Gingerbread house. One of the things we enjoyed was putting up our Christmas tree and our classroom decorations.
In the second week of this month, we got into learning about the celebrations around the world and learning different types of christmas songs. We liked learning about how Christmas is celebrated, especially in Mexico. We learned the “Feliz Navidad” song as well as some other ones in Spanish. The tradition in Mexico is so unique and we learned the different clothes they use in Mexico. To end the week of learning we celebrated by breaking a small pinata just like they do in Mexico on Christmas Eve night. This week was so busy, our winter show was on Thursday, and we had to get ready for it. Along with all the learning we had lots of practice to perform for our show. We also had fun exchanging our books with our friends.
We moved to the third and a short week. After being so busy with our successful Winter Shows, we decided to take an easy and fun week. We worked on some Letters for Santa and made some hot chocolate to relax. We also enjoyed making our ornaments for mommy and daddy! We are sure they loved and appreciated them. We loved every day of December. It was busy, fun, and full of joy. We can’t wait to see what 2024 brings us. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!
Toddler Newsletter
Another month, another newsletter! This month was a special and fun month for our toddlers to enjoy. For week one, we did a surprise Christmas color eruption. We also decorated our Christmas tree in the classroom and made greeting cards. For our sensorial lesson, we focused on the knobbed cylinder. We read a book called “Christmas Surprise” and went over the letters “C” and “S”. We enjoyed making our handprint weather chart and sang Jingle Bells. As we sang along to the song, we used our jingle bells. Lastly for the week, we did a Christmas science activity with Red and Green skittles. Our toddlers had so much fun seeing the colors swirl together.
During Week 2 we enjoyed the Pink Tower lesson. This helps us with our concentration and control of the body. Our toddlers did color sorting mittens, and also counted our mittens 1-10. Our toddlers really loved making fake snow and adding Green and Red food coloring. We read a book called “The 12 days of Christmas” We focused on the letter sounds “T” and “U”. Lastly we did a Christmas magic milk science experiment where our toddlers watched the colors swirl and mix together.
For the third week we made a gingerbread house out of a paper bag. Our toddlers also practiced scooping and transferring fake snow. During this week we also learned how to observe and classify wet and dry and soft and hard. We read a book called “There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow”. We focused on the “V” and “Z” sounds. On the last day of our third week, we made Christmas cookies decorated with sprinkles. After that, we sang a song called “We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
For the last week, we read a book called “Llama, Llama Jingle Bells” and worked on the letter sounds “F” and “M”. Our toddlers got an introduction to basic food groups. In this lesson we learn about everything we need to have a healthy and well balanced meal. Thank you parents for reading this month's newsletter. We hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday with your loved ones, friends and family. Have a Happy New Year!
November 2023 NEWSLETTER
“Express gratitude for the greatness of small things.” - Richie Norton
Primary We started the month of November with learning about Turkey. Our little friends learned about parts of the turkey, the life cycle of a Turkey, and the proper names for the Turkey Family. A baby Turkey is called a poult; a female turkey is called a hen, and a male is called a gobbler. Our little singers also learned a new song about the turkey. We sang “Hi gobble gobble gobble” and “My name is Gobble”. Our Primary friends flapped their wings and shook their tail feathers to our Thanksgiving music.
During the second week of November, we explored the continent of North America. Our dear students enjoyed learning about the countries of North America, their flags, and landmarks of North America. We discussed the lifestyles, food & culture of this beautiful continent. Our little singers also learned a song naming the seven continents.
During the third week, our students were taught about the season of Harvesting! We learned about the “first thanksgiving” and Indigenous People and “pilgrims.” We discussed what it means to be thankful and talked about what we are thankful for. Our little learners made a booklet of the things they are thankful for. We also made pilgrim hats. Our Primary friends had a fun time making Thanksgiving place mats as a craft and Turkey hats for our very grand Thanksgiving Feast. We are really thankful for our BMS Parents, who always help us to make the events successful.
The last few days of the month, we focused on the story of Bluebonnets and learned alot about The Native tribes of America. Our little artists made their own paper plate dream catchers. We learned about the legend of the bluebonnets and on the last day of this month, we prepared a Montessori Thanksgiving Tray by taking a nature walk. We are thankful for our little angels, who always add joy to our lives.
Toddlers November has come to an end, and it was a thankful month. The toddlers had a busy month with all the amazing activities we did. We started with the handprint turkeys, using different color paint for each finger. Once we made our handprint turkeys, we wrote a few things we are thankful for. During our practical life, we engaged with the button dressing frame. This lesson helps teach our toddlers how to grasp and grip, it also helps them to be independent, and helps children learn to dress themselves. For circle time, we identified our numbers using cards and teddy bear counters.The book we read was called “I Am Sharing”. As we read the story, our toddlers passed an item around the circle and practiced sharing. We discussed how fun it is to share. To end our first week we did a science experiment in a pumpkin. The toddlers scooped baking soda and poured it inside of the pumpkin. Then, our Teachers poured vinegar inside, creating a bubbling and fizzing reaction. We enjoyed seeing and hearing our pumpkin fizz to the top. During our 2nd and 3rd week of the thanksgiving season, we enjoyed talking about different fruits and vegetables. We identified many different types of produce and then the toddlers separated and sorted the produce into two categories- fruits and vegetables. It was exciting watching them identify and classify the product. Afterwards, we enjoyed a counting lesson using clothespins. We made a paper plate turkey and numbered its feathers, and then used our skills to clamp the matching number clothespin to the feather. This helps children to recognize their numbers and also develop their concentration, engagement and fine motor skills. During circle time we discussed the letter D. As we learned about the letter “D” our toddlers were prompted to look around the classroom and find something that starts with the letter “D”. Our Teachers discussed what they were thankful for and then went around the circle asking the toddlers to name one thing they are thankful for. Our Toddlers really enjoyed their Thanksgiving feast. To prepare for our feast, we had a lesson on table manners. We practiced saying “Please”, “Thank You” and “Excuse Me”. We set our table with place mats, and learned where to place the plate, cup, spoon and fork. Thank you to all of our Parents for participating and contributing to our thanksgiving feast. We sang Thanksgiving songs and danced to the Turkey Tango, and Going On a Turkey Hunt. Our toddlers also learned about the different colors of fall leaves and how they change colors when the weather changes. They really enjoyed doing a search-and- find sensory bin with leaves. We called out a color and our toddlers searched through the bin to find it. It's a great way to have some fun and also identify our colors.
December is around the corner, stay tuned to see what the toddlers will be learning and what wintery activities they will do.
October 2023 NEWSLETTER
"Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves. We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!" — Humbert Wolfe
Hello parents! We enjoyed September to the fullest while welcoming a few new students into our classrooms. It’s delightful to observe them learn classroom routines. Big thanks to all the students, for helping new friends settle in.
Everyone was beyond excited to welcome October. We started our first project about the Human skeletal system. The students learned that the skeleton supports the whole body while protecting the soft organs inside the body. The skeleton also works in conjunction with our muscles to allow the body to move. The most fun was learning about the different types of bones, and names of specific bones. We used worksheets, pictures, and crafts to extend the skeletal fun. One of the classroom’s favorite activities was to create Mr. Bones, a “handsome skeleton” craft using Q-Tips.
Next, we rolled into our unit of continental studies: North America and the USA. Our students traveled through all seven continents visually and initiated our research to learn about North America and the USA. Some of the key topics include diverse culture and biomes such as flora, forest, and animals from the continent. We leveraged Montessori puzzle maps, work sheets and globes to find different countries, Islands, mountains, and water bodies. The students were introduced to the map of the USA, states, and major cities. Discussion about the US flag, pledge and constitution are also included in our discussions. Our students enjoyed the cultural baskets and ornaments on our cultural shelf from around the world.
The most fun theme of the month is saved for last. Pumpkins! Pumpkins allow for a lot of sensory learning opportunities for our students. We had a lesson about the life cycle of a pumpkin, seasons that pumpkins grow, parts of the pumpkin, and the many ways we can use pumpkins to make delicious treats. They had so much fun decorating their pumpkins and playing a few Halloween games.
We managed to add few new activities to our playground for more fun such as a bird feeder, wind chimes, Montessori kites and a sound maker. The Cute see-saw set is in construction as well. It’s so pleasing to watch our children enjoy their play time, with nature and respecting their environment.
We wrapped up the month with some super fun moments. The students loved dressing up in costumes and having a Fall festival, trunk or treat event, dress up parade and listening to fall songs, and exchanging treats.We had an epically fun month!!
Toddlers Newsletter
Hello BMS Toddler Parents, Another month; Another Newsletter for you to see what your toddler has been up to! Starting with week one: this week was all about seasons and our calendar. We discussed what months belong to what seasons and we also discussed the days of the week. We learned about the Four Seasons, and enjoyed a weather chart. Our toddlers enjoyed making their weather bottles, where they created each of the 4 seasons. Our toddlers observed the blues and whites of winter, and the fiery oranges and red of fall. This week's letter was the letter “J”. Lastly, we participated in a hand-print craft of the four seasons. Moving on to week two, we began our Zoology unit. This week identified the parts of a Spider. Our toddlers did a spider web sensory bin and they had so much fun! Our toddlers used their tongs to save the spiders from the web. We read a book called “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Song and Story Book”. This week's letter was the letter “K”. For week 3, we identified the parts of the pumpkin. We also learned about the life-cycle of a pumpkin. We learned about their journey from seed all the way to pie on thanksgiving day. For practical life, we practiced pumpkin scrubbing. We read “The Itsy-Bitsy Pumpkin” this week, and our letter was “P”. Lastly we did a pumpkin painting activity! Finally, week four! We classified hot and cold, read “Peek a Boo Halloween”, and our letter was “Q”. This week was also a fun week, we had our Fall Party! Our friends tried caramel apples, tried new foods, and danced along to the Halloween songs. Thank you parents for all your participation in this month's activities. We can’t wait to share what we have in store for next month.
We are happy and thrilled to have kicked off the new 2023-2024 school year. The children and the staff had so much fun during the summer. We gained many beautiful faces and are thrilled to welcome new friends who have joined us in the new school year. During the first week of September, we got to learn about each other. The children love coloring and telling teachers about their favorite things, their family, and their dislikes as well. We had fun creating booklets and then showing our friends who are in our “family tree”. We did a “ME” bag in which all the children had to bring a bag with 3 things that best described them or of things they liked. This was a very fun activity because children got to talk in front of their friends and tell us what each item in their bag represented. This way we learned a lot about each other. Children loved doing the playdough activity. They made their faces using playdough. To finish up this week we went over Frida Kahlo. Children got to see some of her most famous paintings and did their self-portrait using a mirror, just like Frida did. The most fun part was making a Frida Kahlo pinata using a toilet paper roll.
In the second week of school, we went over Apples. We learned different kinds of apples, the life cycle of them, and read the fun story of Johnny Appleseed. Children were able to see the inside of an apple and learn the different parts of the apple. The part of the activity they enjoyed most was tasting different kinds of apples and sharing with their friends. We learned the names of three kinds which were gala, granny smith, and red delicious. Children tasted them and while raising our hands we voted which one tasted the best. This was a very fun and busy week as we also celebrated grandparents’ day. So many grandpas and grandmas came to share a nice fun reading time with us. Our angels loved seeing their grandparents and listening to different kinds of stories.
Coming to the end of the month, we introduced our children to some basic and fun geometric shapes. We did a fun craft using all kinds of shapes. We also learned about land, water, and air. Children observed cards featuring various objects and items, tasked with sorting them into their respective places. We went around the classroom and found stuff that would belong to each area.
September flew by, marking the end of the month swiftly. As the school year kicked off, we learned all the fundamental rules, manners, and procedures during this time. Children learned how to use some of the new lessons on the shelves, how to take care of our classroom, etc.
We worked together to help our new friends learn how to sit in a circle, how to line up, wash hands and many more. The older children loved assisting our new friends as they were able to be “teachers” for a bit. This not only helps them develop Grace and Courtesy but also reinforces an essential aspect of the Montessori approach. We also practiced how to introduce ourselves in other languages and children were able to listen to “hellos” around the world.
It was surely a great and fun month, we learned a lot and our favorite part of it all was meeting and making new friends in our classroom. We are excited to see what October has in store for us. Toddlers Newsletter Welcome September! Our Blossoms toddlers had an amazing month of learning. We started the month with learning classroom routines, guidelines and structure. During our classroom lessons, we talked about Grandparents week. In our circle time, we talked about how Grandparents are important to us, they love us and care for us. Our toddlers crafted the cutest Grandparent’s Day cards with a poem and then they enjoyed a book called “Grandpa and Grandma Llama Llama”.
During the second week of September, we talked about Parts of an Apple. We observed a real apple and identified the skin, flesh, core, stem, and seeds. We cut the apple in half and observed the insides and the core, and we also described the shiny skin on the outside. What colors did we see? Afterwards we did an Apple tasting to see if the apple was sweet or sour, soft or crunchy. We then went over the different colors of the apple like red, yellow and green. The toddlers engaged in lessons through sorting apples by number, and counting the apples on the tree. We read a book called “The Bad Apples”.
During our 3rd week of the month, we learned all about zoology. We discussed the life cycle of a fish and during that time, our little friends completed a worksheet on parts of the fish. We identified the gills, fins, and scales. Then, we played a motor skill fishing game. Our toddlers had to count how many little “fish” (pipe cleaner shapes) they could pick up with our “fishing pole” (straw). This lesson develops our coordination and motor skills, we have to be very still to catch the fish. And then, we count! We continue on with a book called “One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish” Our final week was “All about Me”. We learned the names of our body parts like hair, arm, nose, and toes. We also measured our body with the number rods. During our circle time each toddler held up their all about me sheet and talked about what was on their paper. We then read a book called “l Like Me”. We had a blast this month learning about Grandparents, Apples, fish, family, and all about ourselves and our friends. Every month is a great opportunity to learn and grow for our BMS little angels. We can't wait for October to share all about fall and pumpkins!
August 2023 NEWSLETTER
"If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely!"- Roald Dahl
Ahoy Mateys
Setting Sail This week we explored the ocean. We learned the geographical locations of oceans on our planet . We also learned that if we want to explore the oceans, we must travel by boat. We enjoyed a fun craft as well. For this craft we laced blue yarn through the plate to create the oceans waves. And then we placed the sailboat, fish and sun appropriately.
Dive DEEP! Next, we rolled our sleeves up and reached deep into our sensory bin to see what creature we would pull out.
In our sensory bin were starfish, seahorses, crabs and fish galore.
Where's the Compass? We got lost while out at sea, so we had to make new treasure maps! This lesson consisted of coloring, cutting and pasting all of the pieces onto our map. We also took this as an opportunity to learn about the 4 cardinal directions. North, South, East and West.
X Marks The Spot Our KG class enjoyed searching for treasure in the blue sand. They used tweezers to dig around the treasure, and then used them to pick out the precious jewels. This lesson refines our coordination, concentration and motor skills.
Arrrrrrg Of course this week would not be complete without some creativity. Our Primary classes all enjoyed coloring and crafting their pirates hats. We learned a little about pirate fairytales and their lingo.
Once our craft was complete, we walked around practicing our best pirate charades wearing our new hats.
Fun Friday! For fun Friday we of course invited all of our Primary students to dress up as pirates or mermaids.
Thank you all for reading all about Primary's Oceans & Pirates unit!
What we did this week at Blossoms
New Year, New Materials! After 2 weeks of our most creative crafting, our Primary Classes put on a lovely art show. Thank you to all of our parents who came to the show, and supported our artists. All 3 of our classes did an amazing job raising funds for their "discovery time" materials. This week, our new materials started arriving and we excitedly opened he packages to see what we would get to use this year.
KG- Ready... Set …. READ! Our KG kids studied very hard this week, our primary focus was phonics and reading during our 2 hour KG block.
We identified the 5 vowels- A, E, I, O, and U. After we identified the vowels, and what they're used for, we enjoyed lesson matching our picture cards to the vowels.
We also all picked out a new book and searched for vowels as we enjoyed our new books.
Sand paper letters In our classrooms we use the authentic Montessori method for introducing phonics. We teach our toddlers the SOUNDS of letters instead of their name( A is ah, B is buh). You'll hear many songs pouring from our classrooms but you wont hear us singing the ABC song, we strive to truly teach, and not just have our students memorize content without truly grasping the concept.
For sandpaper letters, the yellow letter is rough, and the red part is smooth. Children are guided and shown how to trace their finger down the rough letter, this is positive sensory input but indirectly they're learning how to write their letters. Our B,F,M box contains 3 sand paper letter tablets, and also assorted picture cards. All of the pictures are of things that start with letter B, F or M. The child will identify what they see on the card, repeat it out loud, and then determine under which letter they will place their photo. Frog & fire will be under "F"
Splish Splash! Our summer time fun is coming to a close and there's no better way to celebrate than with a splash day! Our summer has been SO hot so we were excited to finally incorporate some fun in he sun!
We had some water balloon fun as well!
You're the Apple of My Eye Our toddlers also enjoyed bobbing for apples this week as a fun back to school activity. Each one of our friends brought an apple and we used our motor skills and coordination to transfer the apple from our bobbing bin to our basket. What seems like just plain fun for our toddlers is actually setting them up for a life time of success.
Our classmates were also invited to bring a book from home to share with their classmates. We saw Brown bear Brown bear and chicka chicka boom boom!
Blossoms Babies! Our Nido class has been working very hard this week. Our days have been filled with crafts, fostering independence, developing our motor skills and building our concentration and engagement. This week, we did three number crafts. On each craft we did something a little different.
We glued paper dots on our 3's
We placed stickers on our 2!
And we got messy with our 1!
Thank you all for reading and staying up- to-date with what we are doing at the school.
Calling all Kings, Knights and Princesses! Our Primary children wrapped up their week with a fun and exciting dress up day. Last week we learned about the components to writing a story, and the breakdowns of sentences. This week we focused on our characters and their traits. We practiced our reading comprehension, Rapunzel had very long _______? Goldilocks thought who's bed was just right?
Everyone looked so amazing in their costumes, thank you to all of our royal families for participating!
We also enjoyed a coloring sheet of our favorite princesses!
Our Kings & Queens made custom crowns to parade around the classroom in. Everyone enjoyed putting their own unique twist on their crown. Of course this week we still did all of our circle times and Montessori Work as well, next week we will jump into our Back To School curriculum and learn all about Dr. Maria Montessori.
Our babies had fun identifying facial features, this week we learned about our eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. After pointing them out on our coloring sheet, we grabbed some crayons and got creative.
Our little learners enjoyed a fun inside activity, we identified our numbers, and out them where they go! This is a great way to get moving in our classroom, while staying away from the Texas heat!
Our babies identified shapes and colors this week also! In this lesson we used our shapes and paint to stamp our paper. The cold, squishy paint is extra sensory input and our babies always enjoy getting messy. This lesson also helps us develop coordination and our gripping/grasping.
Our toddlers enjoyed matching bean bag shapes this week!
Our toddlers also were introduced to the dressing frames this week also! This lesson fosters independence and builds our practical life skills. Each frame has a different kind of fastener- zippers, buttons, clasps and ribbons. As we master each frame, we are also mastering getting ourselves dressed independently. Thank you all for reading about a few lessons our students did this week, we cant wait to share next weeks activities with you all!
Introducing … Our next generation of Engineers!
In The Field Our Primary students were introduced to engineering this week. The students really enjoyed all aspects of engineering. From the labor, to the analytics, and even dressing up they had such a blast.
Our Primary classes suited up for construction on Monday! We all tried on our safety glasses, hard hats, protective gloves and grabbed our tool boxes to get to work.
Each of our little engineers practiced their coordination skills by hammering golf tees into a foam board. We practiced tap-tap-tapping the "nail" into the "wall." We learned to use the flat surface of the hammer, and we also learned how to wear our safety gear for optimum job-site safety.
Practical Life We learned about different tools like hammers, nails and tape measures.
Arts & Crafts Our BMS engineers also crafted their very own safety hats!
Primary children really enjoy painting and crafting so we always find a way to integrate it into our weekly theme. Painting each brush stroke can be so therapeutic and we are so thankful for the resources we have at school for our students and their aspirations.
Culinary! For our culinary lesson this week, we constructed a little truck out of Sugar wafers, mini Oreo's, strawberry cream cheese, pretzel sticks and a candy corn! We used the Oreo's as the wheels, and the wafers as the body of the truck.
The cream cheese served as our glue to keep our project together and The candy corn propped up against the front of our truck, we have to store the traffic cones somewhere!
We would have put it in the truck bed, but we were at capacity hauling our pretzel logs.
For this lesson we had to concentrate really hard and decide how to construct our truck. It took lots of patience, coordination and precision to get our vehicles just right. Once we completed our builds, we enjoyed a tasty snack!
We also used 2D shapes to construct our own little city block, We stacked squares and circles on rectangles to see what kind of unique architecture we could create.
Once we constructed our landscapes, we added beautiful backgrounds. Some of us made day time cities, and others chose the night life!
Sensorial! We also identified our geometric solids using our cards and models. We learned that 3D shapes are what we use to construct buildings, and that engineers do lots of math and calculations to make sure our buildings and structures are safe.
Land, Air and Water Land air and water is a recurring theme in Montessori. It helps us identify how vehicles and animals travel on these surfaces. Fish and boats travel via water, Cars and mammals travel by land on wheels or legs, and planes and birds travel by air, both of them using wings.
Once we identified which vehicle travels on which surface, we put our knowledge and skills to the test!
Our primary students crafted boats and planes to observe their effectiveness.
We crafted a ship to watch it sail through our blow up pool!
We folded our paper airplanes so nicely to watch them glide through the air.
Our older kids made their own boats as well, it is so rewarding to see our hard work pay off. When we put time and effort into creating masterpieces, and they perform properly it is such a treat. We are pleased to give our students feelings of determination and success. We can't wait to share more with you next week about our curriculum and daily schedule! Thank you all for reading and for raising our Next Gen engineers.
Happy Birthday Dr. Montessori
Meet Dr. Maria Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. In 1901 Maria began her own studies of educational philosophy and anthropology, lecturing and teaching students. From 1904-1908 she was a lecturer at the Pedagogic School of the University of Rome. In 1907, she opened the first Casa dei Bambini (Children's House) bringing some of the educational materials she had developed in her previous studies. Ms. Maria put many different activities and other materials into the children’s environment but kept only those that truly engaged them. What she came to realize was that children who were placed in an environment where activities were designed to support their natural development, had the power to educate themselves. By 1909 Maria gave her first training course in her new approach to around 100 students, and thus, Montessori was born.
Today we celebrated Dr. Maria's birthday. We celebrated by sharing snacks with our friends, and also by using materials in new ways! We used our knobless cylinders to make a heart, and stacked a pink tower and placed candle a-top. We used our numbers to write how many years old she would be, and then we enjoyed a small lesson about tens and hundreds and thousands .
We used our number tiles to identify what year Dr. Montessori was born.
And then we also used our number tiles to identify how old Dr. Montessori would be today!
We read a few books about Dr. Montessori and enjoyed seeing her pictures.
We truly enjoyed learning about Dr. Maria Montessori's birthday and the education structure she created for us. We proudly practice peace and independence because of her, we develop our practical life skills and have learned how to teach children with intentions and true resourcefulness. We are honored to still practice her teaching methods and pedagogy, thank you Dr. Maria Montessori for changing the history and approach to education.
"To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag."- Pauline Hanson
The Fifty- Nifty United States!
This week, we learned all about our great country, America. Starting our week off with a fun culinary lesson, our teachers baked cakes with love and all of our friends participated in decorating it. We used white icing, strawberries & blueberries to make a replica of the American flag.
Tuesday, we all enjoyed an extra day at home with our friends & family. We hope you had a great 4th of July!
Wednesday, our children were visited by 4 of our nation's greatest. Mrs. Parker visited our school and gave a wonderful presentation about the United States Military. We discussed what our soldiers do, how they train to be strong, and how we pay respects to our service members.
After our presentation, the children were brought outside for one last surprise... a HUMVEE! Mrs. Parker called in the back-ups and the children were so excited to see a real life military vehicle. Thank you to Mrs. Parker, her guests, and all of our Military Families.
Wednesday, we also made an Uncle Sam American hat craft.
Moving into Thursday, we used our creativity. With red, white and blue paint we painted the fireworks in the night sky using just a plastic fork!
We wrapped up our Friday with an American flag craft.
It was such a fun week learning all about our United States of America.
Around The World Door Competition!
First Stop... Princeton
Ms. Fiorella & Ms. Evelyn are both Peru natives. For their door they added so many cute details, on the airplane if you look at the windows you see each of our babies. She involved her students by painting their hands and making handprints for around the world. In addition, Ms. Fiorella and Ms. Evelyn added the flag of Peru and some traditional dolls.
Next Stop... Johns Hopkins Ms. Kristal's chosen theme was America! She decorated her door with pictures of her students & lots of Red, White & Blue. She included pictures from our 4th of July presentation as well.
Also, our friends were invited to celebrate their heritage, their roots & their culture by wearing traditional clothing or a jersey to represent!
Next Stop..... Duke! Ms. Lacy hi-lighted a few countries and names them on the door. Each of her little travelers also had their passport photo taken, and then pasted onto their very own passport!
Moving on to..... Brown! Our classmates from Ms. Savi's classroom chose to represent the whole world! We each took a smiling photo, and some clothing we liked. The children enjoyed coloring their outfits and seeing their creations.
Next up.... Harvard!! Ms. Gabby embraced and embodied her Hispanic heritage and created a Mexico door! using the colors of the Mexican flag, she laid a base. Then, each child was invited to color their Poncho and Maracas. She added the beautiful flowers which tied in the traditional bright colors of Mexico.
Last stop..... Yale Ms. Samia did a great job executing her door. Pictured we see a very nice door with arrows pointing to all continents and a pilot laving the scene in a hurry! There are flags to represent other countries as well.
Primary learns all about MUSIC!
Monday! This week our Primary students learned all about music. We learned about percussion, strings, wind and wood instruments. On Monday, we had a visit from Mr. Luis Miron. Mr. Luis is a professional music teacher, he teaches a range of instruments like piano, keyboard and drums. Mr. Luis visited on Monday and gave brief piano presentation to our students.
Mr. Luis is also the instructor for our Piano Class that we offer. He has done such a great job teaching our little musicians, and has given them great fundamentals. Thank you Mr. Luis!
Tuesday! Tuesday we really enjoyed our fun car lesson! The aim of this lesson is to learn how music goes up in pitch, and we used a car to follow the pitch. We learned how to audibly determine the difference between high and low notes.
Wednesday! On Wednesday, we crafted some paper plate shakers! Once again we value and recognize our teachers creative resourcefulness. The kids had so much fun designing their shakers.
Thursday! Thursday, we tried out percussion instruments! Our students got to try the small meditation drum, a larger drum as well.
Friday we were in for such a treat! We were visited by a few members of Dekaney High School's band. Larissa, Ashley, Serea, and Melitza brought along their instruments and taught us all about music. We learned about taking music as a cousre in school, and how many friends you can make in band.
They even let us try out their instruments! It was so fun to hear from real musicians, and try out their REAL instruments. Once we finished our presentation and learned how to properly play, we headed back to our class for our big show!
For the big show, we all played loud and proud for the school to hear. It was music to our ears to hear the sweet melodies coming from down the hall.
Our babies even got a visit! They had their very own music class, they had so much fun.
Clowning Around! We have had such great fun this summer with our themes. This week, our primary classes learned all about the Circus. We started the week with a foam circus craft. Our friends chose from the Lion, Ring Leader, and the Clown. We learned all about the different acts that can be seen at the circus.
We also enjoyed a fun filled circle time with Ms. Gabby. Ms. Gabby showed us a special experiment called "Dancing Popcorn". We added a mixture of water, vinegar, and baking soda to a glass. Once all were added, we slowly poured popcorn kernels into the mixture. Then the magic happens! We watched joyfully as the kernels bounced up and down.
We ended our week with a REAL circus! In attendance were ringmasters, and spectators in their hats. We also got to see a parade of wild animals. We saw Giraffes, Rabbits, Bears, and Tigers!
The ring masters are showcasing the animal parade! Our spectators learned proper etiquette for events. We learned to applause & cheer for the great acts.
We all enjoyed using our creativity and imagination to bring the circus to school.
Our toddlers wrapped up their dinosaur unit this week with some fun activites.
Dinosaurs Galore! We enjoyed our paint roller Triceratops. For this activity, we add paint, our coloring page, and 3 balls to a tray. The toddlers are shown how to move the tray to make the balls roll around leaving paint tracks behind. This teaches our toddlers coordination and control.
We also enjoyed a dino matching lesson
This lesson develops our pincer grasp, and also helps us to identify our colors.
We also dug for dino bones! Our toddler were so excited to break open the plaster to see what we would discover. We used our hammer to break away big chunks, and we used the brush to brush away the dust.
Our Nido class learned all about colors this week!
Colorful Culinary!
We sorted our fruits by color, we put the apples and strawberries together. The oranges & bell peppers together and the lemons & pineapples together. We also played a fun activity to get moving and develop our motor skills and coordination. Our babies were shown to put the matching ball to the matching color hole on the box.
We hope you all are enjoying the weekly updates about what's going on at Blossoms! See you next week for some more learning fun.
"A Warm smile is the universal language of kindness." -Arthur Ward
Hawaii Friday The school year has come and gone, what better way to end the year than with a tropical trip to Hawaii! This year, to kick off our summer program, we took a trip to the islands and enjoyed a “Hawaii Friday”. All of our little travelers wore their best Luau gear and smiled for a picture in front of our Aloha backdrop. After our summer fun photo session, we all got to try tropical fruits together. The children enjoyed trying pineapple, watermelon, and fresh mixed berries. Our day continued with a little hula dance fun, and we ended our first Fun Friday with popsicles. The perfect way to kick off our Summer of Fun.
Community Helper Our summer program started with a wonderful unit to honor our Community Helpers. During this week we learned about the people who play important roles in our community, like doctors, mailmen, firefighters, police officers, bakers, and hairstylists. We learned that we as a society need all of these important members to function. Children enjoyed learning about each role, and at the end of the week they got to choose what they want to be when they grow up. This year we had an interactive community helper session. Our classes enjoyed hearing from Ms. April, a Sonographer, Mr. Rob, a Construction Man, The Zitzmann Family from the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable's Office, and Mr. Garrett from the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Our toddlers really enjoy seeing these people in “real life.” How exciting it is to try on a police vest, a construction hat, we even got to see what an ultrasound looks like. Thank you to all of our Parent Volunteers who dedicate their time not only in their professions, but also to our youth! What a beautiful example of Community Togetherness we are able to share with our students.
Father's Day June is always exciting as we have our Father’s Day event to look forward to. This year's theme was Rainforest Cafe! Our Primary classes transformed their Montessori classroom into a tropical jungle. We enjoyed painting different jungle creatures and hanging them around the classroom. As usual, our Primary Students worked very hard to choreograph a lovely performance for their Daddies! They also took their time perfecting their Father’s Day crafts and created beautiful gifts for their Daddies. Our Toddlers enjoyed having a crafting session with their Dads and socializing over snacks. These events are so special to us and are a great opportunity to meet and network with other members of our Blossoms Family. Happy Father’s Day to all of our hard working Dads!
Trip Around The World
First Stop- Asia On Monday we traveled to the culture- rich continent of Asia. While exploring the continent, we learned the names of the 49 countries. Our tour of the continent focused on Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan. We learned about culture, tradition, clothing and geographical location.
Second stop- Africa Tuesday we traveled to the Continent of Africa. While on our visit to Africa we learned the name of all 54 countries. We did a deep dive into Nigerian culture & tradition. The children appreciated the bold shapes & colors in the African textiles.
On Tuesday we also enjoyed getting our bodies moving by participating in Games From Around The World The kids enjoyed having snowball fights in Antarctica, and playing pass the water outside.
Next Stop- Europe! Wednesday we had a very special visit from Mr. Carlos. Mr. Carlos works with the airlines and shared about what its like working up-close and personal with the airplane on the Tarmac. Our BMS travelers enjoy hearing first hand experience from our parents. Thank you Mr. Carlos!
After learning about airplanes, we strapped our seatbelts and traveled to beautiful Greenland and we caught a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis AKA the Northern Lights. We marveled at the greens & purples before we were off to a land down under........
Next Stop- Australia!! Australia, the land down under. What a fun continent to explore, we learn about Kangaroos, the Australian Flag and everyone's new favorite snack Fairy Bread. While learning about Australia we integrated a very fun culinary lesson in which we made an iconic Australian treat, consisting of white bread, butter, and round sprinkles.
Following our culinary lesson on Australia, Ms. Kate did a beautiful presentation on her home country, Ukraine. Ms. Kate had so much to share with us, she brought traditional cookware, photos, and even crafted a small scale Ukrainian home. she also demonstrated how to wear some clothing. We learned that the Blue & Yellow Ukrainian Flag symbolizes the blue sky & the yellow wheat fields. Thank you so much Ms. Kate for sharing about your home.
Final Stop- South America! Friday, we traveled somewhere close to home. We traveled to our neighbor South America. While caravanning around the diverse continent of South America, we learned about Frida Kahlo. We learned about her flower crowns and self portrait. We again appreciated the bright colors in which she painted. Instead of creating a self portrait, we observed a bindle of Bluebonnets and replicated them on our paper with paint & q-tips. While we painted, we wore Frida's famous flower crowns and listened to Latin music to get inspired.
Discovers...…. Animal Planet
As we de-planed from our "Around the World" unit, we quickly caught a flight to "Animal Planet " this week. We have learned about all kinds of animals from around the world. We began by learning about animals and their offspring. A baby horse is not actually called a baby horse, its a foal. And then, we took a deep dive into the ocean to discuss a few mysteries of the deep.
After our deep dive, we all enjoyed matching animals with their babies, and matching animals with their habitats. We learned that sharks don't live in the jungle and polar bears don't live in the desert! To get our creative juices flowing we also made an animal habitat craft.
Tuesday, we enjoyed a very fun culinary lesson. After learning about the giraffe and its tall neck, we made an edible model using pretzel sticks and marshmallows. Not only is this a fun hands on craft, but the children of course love to eat the sweet treats when they're complete.
Next up we saw Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh my! As a class we identified each animal mask that we saw. We talked about how does this animal move? How does this animal sound? at the end of our presentation our classroom transformed into a zoo as we used our imagination and creativity with our animal masks.
We also got moving by playing a very fun game! We made a large cube and on each side we put an animal and their movement. After rolling the dice our students acted out what they saw.
To wrap up our week we enjoyed some more crafts. We learned about tracks, and the different prints each animal makes with their feet. Once we learned that animals leave tracks, we learned how to identify them. We can discriminate with our eyes the physical differences between a hoof, a paw, a claw.
We also made our very own rainforest using tissue paper and animal crackers. It's truly admirable to see just how resourceful our Teachers are. Between cutting sponges into animal foot shapes, repurposing packing cubes for the children to play with. And even using leftover scraps for our rainforest craft.
With most Montessori lessons there's what we call a direct and indirect objective. With the Rainforest craft the direct lesson would be to use our imagination to create a rainforest scene, indirectly we are really defining our fine motor skills, concentration and control. Children learn how to maneuver the scissors and are encouraged to cut in a straight line.
Our trip around the world has finally been completed. We learned about geography, culture, tradition, cuisine, botany, animals and so much more. Next week we are heading back to the good ole USA to learn more about this country we call home.
Toddler Classes- Invitation To Paint
This weeks fun Friday activity was Invitation to Paint. We prepared our Classrooms by placing large sheets of white paper on the ground and the backs of our shelves. Next, we got our supplies ready and our Painting clothes on. Finally, we let the creative juices flow! Our toddlers enjoyed the freedom of expression, we enjoyed arts with no limits. Some of us stuck to clean paintbrush 7 paint while others explored the cold, wet texture on their hands! Freedom to explore is what Montessori is all about and we value these authentic experiences. By the looks of the aftermath, it seems as if our Toddler artists enjoyed this activity as well.
Toddlers & Nido Friday Jam Band!
Intro to music! This week our Toddlers moved with the rhythm and beat and learned all about musical melodies! This week was filled with learning the sounds and names of musical instruments.
This week the book we read is called "I got the Rhythm"
Our NIDO class enjoyed exploring the noises of the shakers and rattles.
We developed our pincer grasp and finger control by playing our twinkle piano.
To wrap up our introduction to music week, we had a Hallway Jam Parade! Our toddlers paraded down the halls of the school playing their drums, bells and guitars.
Stay TUNE'd for next month to see what our littlest bunch are up to!
“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child”. -Dr. Maria Montessori
We started the month of May by learning about the continent of Australia. We learned about the landmarks of Australia and types of fruits and animals native to Australia. We also talked about reptiles vs amphibians. Our little friends did some worksheets about these topics. At the end of this week, our classmates celebrated “Love a Tree Day”. They went to the playground and observed different trees. They observed their leaves and their textures. This week was very important for all of us because we celebrated Mother’s Day. Our children performed a wonderful song and then they introduced their Mom. They also made cards and crafts for their Mothers.
During the second week of May, we learned about spring flowers and gardening. We learned about the life cycle of a flower. We also learned about the people and the native flowers in Australia. This week was also special for us because we participated in Teacher Appreciation Week. We are all very grateful for everyone showing appreciation to our BMS teachers in many different ways.
As we all know, celebrating milestones and educational achievements gives children a sense of accomplishment and pride. May was the most important month as we celebrated the achievements of our Kindergartners. We had a grand Graduation ceremony for our kindergarteners and our children were thrilled to showcase their performance in their Graduation Ceremony. Our little scholars performed amazingly well and all our Teachers, Parents and BMS Friends were there to cheer on the achievements of our Kindergarten graduates. We wish them all the success in their future.
In the last week our friends learned more about nature in Australia. We learned about the types of birds native to Australia. The children really enjoyed exploring the Great Barrier Reef and the types of fish that live there. Finally, we learned about Memorial Day and why we celebrate this special Day. Our children learned that we honor and pay tribute to United States Military members who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the U.S. forces.
The month of May has come and gone, next month begins our first week of SUMMER! Please tune in to read all about our summer filled with fun.
Greetings Bms Parents! Another month with our Toddlers means another newsletter on a fun and learning month. Starting off with week one, we did counting & sorting colorful flowers. This helped our Toddlers with counting skills and learning their colors. This goes with our practical life and mathematics subject areas. We read a book called “The Hungry Caterpillar”. In this book the Toddlers enjoyed listening and learning about what the caterpillar ate. Also, this book goes with our letter for the week which is the letter “C”. The book helped our toddlers sound out the letter “C” and things that start with that letter. Next, we did a fun activity where we made fluffy slime! We fostered independence and let the Toddlers do it on their own! Lastly, for this week we made a caterpillar craft. Our little ones learned the life cycle of the caterpillar and how they turn into beautiful butterflies, just like the book we read.
We started the following week doing a bean bag toss. Each kiddo got to throw a bean bag and name the shape of the box it landed into. What fun way of learning their shapes right? This week's letter was the letter “F”. Our BMS Toddlers did an activity called “Fishing with Numbers”. This activity helped the Toddlers with their counting skills, motor skills and their coordination. This week we celebrated our Mother’s Day event. We read a book called “The Night Before Mothers Day”. This book was fun for the kids to learn what Mother’s Day is all about and how we can show our love to our mom. We ended our week by creating Mother’s Day flowers. Children were so happy with their project and had real fun decorating gifts for their beautiful Mommies.
At the beginning of week three our Toddlers started off counting & matching bugs. This helped them with identifying, counting, and sorting skills. Our Toddlers enjoyed a bug hunt sensory bin which had all kinds of bugs they got to learn about. We read a book called “School Time”. This book helps them learn about school. This week's letter was the letter “H”. Finishing off this week our little explorers participated in a craft in which they got to paint the butterfly and use different colored tissue paper.
And on to the last week of this month, week four. In the last and final week our Toddlers got to learn counting with our very special Montessori material called number rods. Number rods is the initial and most important Montessori mathematics material that assists children in understanding numerical concepts and developing a concrete sense of quantity. By visually and physically manipulating the numbers rods, our Toddlers grasp the concept of sequencing and the relationships between numbers.We read a book called “You’re My Little Cuddle Bug” . This book has a message of love and warmth which our angels really enjoyed listening to. This week's letter was the letter “J”. Each week we focus on a different letter so our toddlers can learn the sound and pronunciation of the letter. We also made ladybugs during the last week. What a fun activity for our BMS Toddlers!
Thank you parents for reading this month’s newsletter. Stay tuned and we will give you updates of our summer fun!
“It is spring again. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
Primary Classes
Spring has finally arrived! As we welcome beautiful, balmy weather and the fragrance of Spring rain, we are also approaching the last few months of school and moving towards the summer curriculum. Our wonderful students have come a long way since the school year began. Their growth is exponential in all aspects-academic, emotional, and social. As teachers, we continue to expand on skills gained in all areas of the classroom with the goal of moving children towards mastery of these skills. Children learned at the beginning of the school year how to read sentences, books and operations of all math concepts. Many have explored reading primary phonics book sets and workbooks. We are extremely proud of all of them and enjoy them each day.
We started the month exploring the beautiful continent of South America. We learned about its earthly location, various tribes, traditions, beliefs, clothing, shelter, animals, traditional sports, plants, and lifestyles. We also took an imaginary trip to the world's largest Rainforest and enjoyed some fresh river time with monkeys and lovely music. Our children had many questions and also, they made their own Zarapes. Zarapes are cloth wraps, and the children wore them to make our band more colorful with their musical instruments. To wrap up our topic we enjoyed an ice cream treat with cookies shared by our classmates… Yay, what fun times!
We moved into the second week learning about new lives during Spring. We learned about life cycles of turtles, birds, chickens and rabbits. Right before the Easter holiday, we learned about parts of an egg and also why the egg symbolizes Easter. Everyone had so much fun and excitement collecting eggs during our egg hunt. We added more fun having a luncheon together with pizza, chicken nuggets and salads.
Our third week was filled with sun and water. We had a lesson about the water cycle and the importance of clean water. We did activities and learned how to show more love to the one and only Earth we live on. We had many activities such as learning about land formations, booklets, paper plate earth paintings, and also Introducing three R’s.(Reduce, recycle and reuse). We all took over the responsibility of cleaning around our playground, caring for the plants we have in our room, and also watering our beautiful garden.
We wrapped up the month by learning how to adore the world around us. We have so many pine trees providing shade during our play time, so we explored the parts of a pine tree, growth cycle, types of pine trees and male and female pine cones. We planted seeds and now we have our own baby pine trees
We wrapped up our month by making boxes for recycling different materials and also Panorama Rainforest using a shoe box. We also educated our students about parts of the flower, arranging flowers as a practical life activity, pond life, worms and bee’s life cycle and duties in a beehive. Children were so excited to make their own cup of mud pie and worms as a dessert. What an exciting month and with your help they all had unforgettable experiences. We are grateful to all of you for your unending support as always.
Much Love,
Primary teachers
Hello BMS Parents, This month has been filled with fun and excitement for our toddler friends! We’ve all enjoyed our fun curriculum for this month. This month's theme was “Spring” and here is what we did throughout the month with our toddlers! Starting off with week one, for mathematics we did an activity called “Counting Pink and Yellow Pom-Poms starting from numbers (1-10)”. Next, we read a book called “I See Spring” by Charles Ghigna. The kids enjoyed it and learned so much about what spring is and what all we see during spring time. This week's letter was the letter “H”. We said phrases like “Happy, Hopping bunnies” to identify what “H” sounds like. Our Practical Life activity was a Spring Egg lacing activity. For crafts, we made a bunny using our styrofoam cups. Our BMS toddlers had so much fun with this activity! They enjoyed decorating their own bunnies.
Following week, our toddlers started off doing the Spring Bunny Color Sorting Tubes, numbers (1-5). This teaches them how to sort out colors, identify their colors, and most of all counting. We read a book called “The Tiny Seed”. This week's letter was the letter “I”. Next, our toddlers got to do a Nature Color Hunt Outside. They had so much fun picking things outside in nature. Our little explorers were searching for things that were green, yellow, and pretty purple spring flowers. Lastly, the Toddlers did one more fun activity and they had a blast doing their Carrot footprints! This was our art activity for this week, and they had fun feeling the cold, tickly paint on their feet. It was different for them and they love to do new things!
Week three the toddlers did an activity called Counting Egg Dots with different colored eggs from numbers one to ten. They then got to enjoy a fun book called “Hunny Bunny Funny Bunny”. In this book, they giggled learning all about Funny Bunny. This week's letter was the letter “K”. We enjoyed naming things that start with the letter “K” like “kicking kangaroo”. This week we also dyed white eggs in different colors. The toddlers got to explore all the different colored eggs. This was such a fun spring activity! Lastly for this week they got to make their own spoon bunny. We learned that bunnies have long ears, whiskers, and big beautiful eyes. This was such a great activity!
Then off to week four, we did an activity called “Counting Colorful Easter Bunnies” where they count the bunnies from one to ten. This helps them with counting and their colors. We then read a book called “What Bug is Hiding” where they look and see what kind of bug is hiding in nature. This week's letter was the letter “P”. We said things like “pretty purple pasta” And enjoyed naming things that start with “P” in our classroom. For the activity this week we did “finding the missing number egg in the bin”. Lastly this week we did another activity where our little Picasso glued clouds and raindrops onto construction paper. We used our pincer grasp to place 6 little raindrops on our paper. This helps them to understand the weather! Also this month we had a spring party and an egg hunt! Our BMS little ones had so much fun collecting eggs. Thank you to all of our parents for your generous contributions and making our parties a success!
"Luck is believing you're lucky." --Tennessee Williams
Primary Classes After having a short, but fun month of February we moved on to March and enjoyed so many fun things, especially welcoming spring. We started the month learning about the continent of Africa. Children enjoyed learning about the music, weather, languages, food and clothes they wear in Africa. We got to dress up and dance to some traditional music. For our fun art, the children got to paint a beautiful african sunset and create their own african animal scenery. During this first week we also celebrated the famous author Dr. Seuss. We made some nice hats and read his most famous stories.
We moved on to the second week and learned about living and nonliving things. We were all excited to celebrate International Women’s Day. Children participated by sharing the important women in their life, their SHE-roes. Our BMS angels brought in a poster or just a picture of the women most important to them. It was so nice getting to know a little bit about women empowerment. During this week children got a little glimpse of fractions using some of our common fruits. After learning about fractions, we got to enjoy them and shared them with the class.
During this week we welcomed spring and got some nice rain! Children learned a little bit more about Africa. We talked more about what trees, fruits and vegetables are known and common in Africa. Our primary children got to share some vegetables and fruits that are favored in Africa. We used these fruits and vegetables to learn a bit about classifying by size. Children got to see the difference between small, medium and large. This week was ended by our children bringing a book from home for us to read with everyone.
On the third week of this beautiful month, we felt very excited and ready to get to St. Patrick’s Day. Of course, we started the week with learning about the different types of butterflies and their life cycle. The children got to see the life cycle of the butterfly using our botany material and cards. We also did some fun worksheets on the parts of a butterfly. As Thursday came we couldn’t wait! But first we took a moment to talk a little about Ireland. We looked at the flag and learned the colors of it as well as heard the story of how St. Patrick’s Day started. Finally, Friday came, and we all were excited to see what Lennie the Leprechaun left for us. First, Little Lennie ran all over the classroom and left his footprints everywhere including our tables. He seemed like he was hungry and decided to steal some of our snacks. Silly Lennie! He was nice enough on his way out he left some gold for the children. We had so much fun finding golden coins and felt so happy that Lennie was nice to us.
For the last week we went into learning about many life cycles, including seeds, roots and frogs. This month was so busy and so fun as well. Children enjoyed so many fun things. We found out that one of their favorite things was starting our fun Share Day. We are very thankful to every parent that has made each event possible for our little angels. We look forward to a fun April.
Toddler Classes
March was a great start to our Spring season! The toddlers filled the room with rainbows and shamrocks. We also had a few leprechauns hanging around. The toddlers learned so much this month! We learned more about shapes, counting numbers, and our color for the month was green of course. We walked around our classroom and playground in search of green things! What a fun way to explore our environment. Our BMS toddlers also counted the items they collected, and each student described what they found. For practical life this month, we used tweezers and tongs to place pom poms in containers. This is a great activity for developing our motor skills and coordination. Circle time is our favorite time. Our little friends get to enjoy nursery rhymes, new books each month, new songs, and best of all we get to enjoy each other. Also this month we really enjoyed our Fri-yay picnics. The toddlers enjoyed the outdoors while eating lunch and enjoying the beautiful scenery. March was filled with learning something new each day. April is right around the corner and more great adventures are on the way!
February 2023 Newsletter
“It is a fact that anyone who lives with children and anyone who knows how to approach them with love, always learns new things.” -Dr. Maria Montessori
February is the border between winter and spring. This month always brings love, friendship and happy moods. So, we started this beautiful month with learning about different animals and their offspring. They made some crafts about different weather patterns.
For the second week of this month, our little friends learned about the U.S Presidents in order and locations of the states and their names. They were also introduced to money. We learned the values of coins and bills. We had a very special presentation about the island of Sri- Lanka. This presentation was given by Ms. Savi. She told us about the language, dress, education system, architecture, animals and about the first women Presidents of the world. During this week, we also celebrated 100 days of school. Our children disguised themselves as 100 year olds, and some wore fun shirts with 100 items attached. It was great fun seeing everyone dressed up. They also brought their 100 items from home for counting! They brought all different kinds of stuff like cheerios, erasers, gummies, pompoms and clothes pins. We also talked about our community helpers and their work.The BMS Angels told us about what they want to be when they grow up.
The third week of February always brings love and happiness. This week we celebrated Valentine's Day. Our little artists made some friendship bracelets, crafts, and lovely cards. They enjoyed their friendship songs and dance. Everyone of course loved exchanging gifts and cards at their Valentine’s Day party. Our BMS team always appreciates the cooperation of BMS Parents for their love and support to make these occasions a success. Thank you BMS Parents.
For the last week of this amazing month of February, our little friends learned about Countries in Asia and locations. Teaching about Asia, Ms.Samia gave a presentation about the country of Pakistan. In this presentation, Ms.Samia told us about the architecture, art, animals, foods, currency, national game and Pakistani dresses. This week we also learned about famous artists in Asia and their styles of painting. BMS little artists followed the directions of their teachers and made their own masterpieces. They also learned about viviparous animals and oviparous animals. This month was full of enjoyment with lots of knowledge for our scholars.
Stay happy and safe. See you again in the month of March.
Toddlers Bye Bye February and Hello March! February went by so fast but it was a great month. Our toddlers celebrated Groundhog Day. Ms. Kristal talked to the children about the famous groundhog. We learned if we see his shadow or not we will possibly have 6 more weeks of winter or early spring. Also, we talked about where groundhogs live and what they eat. The toddlers also joined in the 100th day of school fun! The toddlers dressed up as a 100 year old, or they wore a shirt that had 100 items on it. The toddlers also learned about dental hygiene.
We are pleased to have a visit from one of our very own BMS Parents who is a dentist. She came to share about dental hygiene and healthy eating habits. She talked to the children on how to keep their teeth clean. She brought giant teeth models and toothbrushes to make her presentation interactive and fun for our BMS angels. She went around each child to let them brush the fake teeth and our toddlers enjoyed it very much. We did fun art activities and also read a book about brushing your teeth. She is so kind to bring Dental goodies for our angels.Thank you BMS Parent for taking care of us and our shiny teeth.
We also had our annual Valentine day party. The toddlers got to share valentine's day cards and goodies with their friends. Our little friends were so excited on the party day! Each child had a big smile on their face. Now going into our circle time which is the best time of our day, we sang Valentine’s day songs, we sang our ABC’s and we sang nursery rhymes! Our little friends counted numbers 1-10. They also enjoyed finding the missing shape and did a Valentine scavenger hunt. We read Valentine’s day books and dental care books for the month of February. Our art work was awesome as we did a love bug with the toddler’s footprint, painted canvas with the word “love” on it, glued pieces of colorful tissue paper on a big heart, and put cotton on the toothbrush and pretended it was toothpaste. The toddlers had a loving and caring month like always and we can not wait for March to bring more excitement. Welcome all our new friends. We are so happy you have joined us for a great adventure. We are here to make you and your child happy!
January 2023 NEWSLETTER
“Enter this new year with a gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams”-Avina Celeste
Dear Primary Parents, We all were very excited to start our New Year with great energy! We were so happy to see all of our students returning after a little break. We hope you all enjoyed your holiday fun. Upon returning, our BMS angels were fresh and ready to learn and also to reunite with their little friends.
We started up our New Year with a fun lesson on how to say “Hello” and “Happy New Year '' in different languages. Our students enjoyed making cards for their loved ones. We all enjoyed exploring new lessons, and participating in interactive activities simulating cold and windy Antarctica. Our BMS angels learned about location, native animals, transportation and also weather patterns in these cold regions.
Arctic and Antarctic life styles brought more fun and different learning skills to our students. They showed a great interest in learning information about penguins, arctic habitats, and hibernation patterns of animals. We rounded up the cold winter theme by learning about the states in the USA that experience brutal and cold winters. The children had fun creating a diorama project to house our arctic animals. They also enjoyed decorating their own igloo houses and pasting their face on the body of an Eskimo. We created a large poster for our classroom wall to display all our Eskimo friends.
We also learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and his great message to practice kindness. Our lesson included dreaming big and working hard for great results.
We enjoyed doing some scientific research and recognizing the difference between Solids, Liquids, and Gas. The children got to witness ice melting and turning from solid to liquid, and then evaporating to represent gas. To develop the pencil grip of our children, we added more activities that align with our topics to our practical life shelf, such as placing the glass beads on a snowflake, filling the snowman jar with cotton balls using tweezers.
We also had a very special presentation and lesson on Lunar New Year. This year is the year of the Rabbit. We looked at some traditional clothing, made our own lanterns, and watched a beautiful lesson in pouring and making tea with a beautiful Chinese tea set. We have really enjoyed the beautiful red and gold lanterns and decorations around the school. One of our classmates also gave a very thorough lesson on using chopsticks, all of our friends got the chance to try for themselves.
Our hard working 5-year-olds are learning to read and write more. We are very happy to announce that all of our little friends are developing their penmanship beautifully.
We wrapped up the month with a few winter games and penguin walks. We all enjoyed the month of January learning and having fun. Stay tuned for next month's newsletter, where we will discuss love and all the ways we show it!
Dear Toddlers Families, The month of January has come to an end. We are off to a great start with our New Year and New friends. Welcome to all our new friends, we can not wait to grow with you this year! Our classroom is always filled with joy. This month our toddlers learned a lot about winter. Our toddlers completed a worksheet on Winter and Summer clothing to learn what type of clothing is appropriate during the hot and the cold weather. We also dressed Mr. Bear during our circle time with the appropriate clothing for the weather of the day. We read books and sang songs about winter. We went over our alphabet, numbers, shapes, and the days of the week. We also learned about colors by doing a fun sensory experiment. The toddlers brought white socks, and we used food coloring and water to dye the socks. Our toddler friends were so excited to see all the different colors they made. We learned red and yellow make orange, and yellow and blue make green! It was a joy to see smiles on their faces. Our toddlers also did art and craft activities such as making snowflakes, making mittens, putting cotton balls on a polar bear, and making snow. We even decorated our New Year's bells to ring it in the right way! We had so much fun this month and can not wait for our adventures for the month of February.
December 2022 NEWSLETTER
“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.”-John F. Kennedy
The last month of the year is here. We had so much fun and created a lot of new memories with our BMS angels. The children were so excited about every single activity we did and loved learning all about the holidays.
During the first week of this month the children were introduced to many different practical life, math and language holiday work. The practical life work was their favorite because they had bells, Christmas bows, beads and many more colorful holiday materials. In the math area they really enjoyed the cards and counters. All the cards were cut outs of Christmas trees, gingerbread, and snowmen. One of their favorite works that we did this month was, learning about Santa Claus clothes. We also started learning some Christmas songs like, FelizNavidad, Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer, and Jingle Bells!
During the second week, we started our door decoration with Christmas stockings for our children. The children got to put some cotton balls on them, paste their picture and their elf hats. We made our door wreath using everyone’s hand prints. Our doors looked so nice and colorful making our school look festive. Our children were excited to do their book exchange during this week. They all got to choose a friend to exchange their gifts. The gift exchange activity was so much fun for our little angels as they all felt very happy with their new books.
This takes us to the third week of this busy and joyful month in which we had our Christmas presentation. Parents were invited and the children got to sing and dance to some lovely holiday songs. This was a short week and most of our angels were ready to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones at home.
With the last week coming so fast we decided to make it a happy and fun week. Children got to play some games, dance, playdough creations and had a fun time with peers. We were all ready to finish this month on a positive and happy note. We could not wait to start a new year, 2023 for making bigger and wonderful memories!
Toddler Classes December, an awesome festival month came and went by fast. Our toddlers learned so much about Christmas and what it really means. They learned a lot about generosity and It is always better to give than receive. The toddlers did all kinds of artwork during this month! They enjoyed making Christmas ornaments, snowmen, little elves, reindeer hats, and much more! Our little angels had fun decorating the Christmas tree. The smile the toddlers had brightened up their faces and brought so much joy in our classrooms. Our toddlers enjoyed our circle time. We sang songs like Jingle Bells, Joy to the World, Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer and many more. We read Christmas books everyday in December. We also had a gift exchange for our toddlers where each toddler got to exchange a book. It was a pure joy to see our toddlers' faces when receiving their gifts. Our classroom is always filled with love, laughter and everyone is always welcome with open arms. The toddlers are learning to count up to number 20, learning new shapes such as the pentagon, diamond and a crescent along with the basic shapes. The toddlers also practiced alphabet matching. As this month came to an end we want to say it was an amazing year. Be on the lookout for upcoming months as we will have so much more fun in the New Year!
November 2022 NEWSLETTER
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” -Cicero
Primary Classes November is the month of gray skies, yellow, red, golden brown, and green leaves. It seems as if everything is changing so fast. Our sweet group of students learned to retreat, relax, and take some time for themselves. They all felt like hibernating as we went into daylight savings. Looking back at the month of November we had loads of fun and positivity. We spent our days feeling fulfilled. Feelings of healing, thankfulness, sharing, empowerment, friendship, and satisfaction were all felt by us!
During the very first week of November, we explored the science behind why leaves change colors and we also discussed parts of the leaves using our Montessori Leaf cabinet, three-part cards, and worksheets. Our darling students also enjoyed a weaving lesson, and learning about vegetables and fruits that grow in cold weather. They enjoyed a lesson of making butter using milk.
For the second week, our students were taught about the season of Harvesting! We learned about thanksgiving food combinations, Indigenous people and “pilgrims.” We learned about their culture, clothing and housing. Our BMS Angels enjoyed building Tee-pee’s and toilet paper roll “pilgrim” kids.
During the third week, we had a great time making Thanksgiving place mats as a craft and Turkey hats for our very grand Thanksgiving Feast in school. We learned a few songs, and everyone got a turn to share what they are thankful for. Amazingly I heard so many new phrases such as, the amazon guy, my toothbrush, my bed, music, dancing, YouTube, apps on my iPad, grandma, pets by name, Nintendo, the word, green grass and many more! We enjoyed all the blessings to their fullest.
The Fourth week, we focused on turkeys. We learned about parts of the turkey, the life cycle and family (each member by name). Baby is called a poult; a female turkey is called a hen and a male is called a gobbler. We learned how they use each part of their body, such as feet and claws to dig up roots. We learned about how Indigenous people catch turkeys in the forest. Our BMS angels enjoyed listening to stories and coloring all types of turkeys.
The last few days of the month we prepared a Montessori Thanksgiving Tray by taking a nature walk and collected winter berries, colorful leaves, and icicles. We also practiced a turkey syllable game and table setting as a practical life lesson. We wrapped up the month with Gratitude and Thankfulness. We are one grateful bunch full of smiles. Toddler Classes Hello toddler families, the month of November came and went so fast. We had a busy month with all the amazing activities. We started our month with “What's on your plate?” Teaching the toddlers about the basic food groups, which are fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein. Ms. Kristal & Ms. Lacy taught about all different kinds of fruits and vegetables that are healthy for you. We also learned the colors and sizes of the fruit and vegetables. Strawberries & blueberries are small, apples are medium and watermelons are BIG! It was fun watching the toddlers put it in order from small to largest and naming the colors as they go. We did many Thanksgiving crafts, and also talked about what we are thankful for. We had each child bring a photo of their family and each toddler told us who was in the photo. The toddlers also made place mats. For this, each toddler did a turkey handprint on their place mat. We also had a special circle time as we learned how to share with our friends and practiced saying “please” and “thank you”. We sang Thanksgiving songs and did a Turkey hokey pokey dance which our toddlers loved. Our classroom is full of fun and love. Stay tuned for the most wonderful time of year to see what the toddlers are doing next!
October 2022 NEWSLETTER
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create.’’ (Dr. Maria Montessori)
The first week of October was a week of big celebration for Blossoms! We celebrated the 4th birthday of our wonderful school! For the celebration of this great event, our children learned a beautiful song and baked a cake. All of our students decorated a BMS cake with orange and white icing. Then, all of our primary kids did a cake cutting ceremony and enjoyed their yummy cake. Our kindergarten students performed the flag hoisting ceremony, they said the pledge together and sung the song they worked so hard to learn. We are so thankful to celebrate our years of dedication, hard work and quality education for all of our BMS families. We are really grateful for our BMS parents, who always appreciate us and acknowledge us for our efforts and make Blossoms Montessori the # 1 Montessori School in Spring Texas.
During the first week of October, we also started our fall unit and all about pumpkins. For this unit we cut open a pumpkin and learned about its parts (flesh, skin, stem, seeds) . We also discussed the life cycle of a pumpkin and types of a pumpkin. Our BMS angels were able to touch and observe all the parts of a pumpkin. They also did some related worksheets. Our kindergarteners did a beautiful carving of a Jack -o -lantern.
During the second week of October, we learned all about spiders. Our little scholars were very excited to learn about spiders. It was their favorite topic. They learned about the life cycle of a spider, types of spiders and parts of spiders. They made a paper plate craft of a spider and did some related worksheets. Our kindergarteners enjoyed the spider web walking game, tweezing out spiders for practical life lessons and making spiders with rocks.
For the third week of October, we did some arts and crafts. Our little friends enjoyed making crafts for our Fall party. Our children created a scarecrow mask and they also enjoyed making a Q-tip skeleton and learning about bones. We also learned the names of the oceans and ocean animals. For learning about physical science, we also talked about things that are magnetic and nonmagnetic. Our kindergarten kids learned some advanced sensorial work like binomial and trinomial cubes.
The last week of this month was full of fun, our little friends learned about bats and their anatomy. Our children enjoyed doing bat craft. During this last week, we celebrated our fall party. For the fall party our little friends enjoyed wearing their costumes! We had many Spidermen, Elsas and a few doctors and firefighters too. Our little friends were very excited for the party day. They decorated their classes. They sang some Fall songs. They had a yummy feast. Our little friends also did trick-or-treat. They exchanged candies and goodie bags. Thank you to all of our parents who helped make this day possible!
Toddlers Newsletter October went by so quickly and we are sad it’s over, but November is coming in with amazing fun. The toddlers started our unit “all about fall”. We went over things like fall trees and their leaves, pumpkins, fall colors, ghosts and spiders. Through the month of October, we also learned that there are different colored pumpkins and different shapes and sizes. We put the pumpkins in order from smallest to biggest. Our little friends also carved a pumpkin which made a jack-o-lantern. We explained how the jack-o-lantern has 2 eyes, 1 nose, and a silly mouth. During this activity the toddlers felt the inside which had pumpkin seeds and stringy pulp. We had fun roasting the seeds and trying them for a snack. The toddler class also had fun baking pumpkin cakes and ghost cakes. Our BMS friends used measuring cups and utensils to mix the batter! We measured oil, water, and an egg. Each toddler had a turn mixing all the ingredients. Our classroom is always full of love, warmth and open arms. It was exciting to see our little friends in their costumes and to see their happy faces. We also took some fun fall pictures this month and made sure to wear fall colors! We did a different art project every week. The toddlers enjoyed making ghosts, spiders, fall wreaths and a Frankenstein footprint. Our BMS angels also painted and decorated their own pumpkins and displayed them in our fall pictures. Each day our toddlers learned something new and it’s amazing how they want to learn! We welcome all our new friends who have joined us this month.
September 2022 NEWSLETTER
"My Children are the reason I Laugh, Smile, and want to get up every morning."- Gena Lee Nolin
We are ready and excited to have kicked off the new 2022-2023 school year. The children and the staff had so much fun during the summer, we lost many friends that went to elementary school, but gained so many new faces.
During the first week of school, we went over all the basic Blossoms rules and procedures. Our BMS angels got to learn how to use some of the new materials on the shelves and how to take care of our classroom. We all worked together to teach our new friends how to sit during circle time, how to line up, how to wash hands and much more. The older children loved it because they were able to be the role models for a bit. They also learned Grace and Courtesy. We practiced how to introduce ourselves in other languages and children were able to listen to “hellos” from around the world.
On the second week of school, we went over Apples. We learned about all the types of apples, the life cycle of them, and read the fun story of Johnny Appleseed. Children were able to see the inside of an apple and learn as well as view the different parts of the apple. The part that they enjoyed the most was tasting different kinds of apples and sharing with their friends. We finished this fun week by doing a small experiment using their own apple. Each child was able to bring an apple and put it in a bowl of water to see if their apple would sink or float. We had so much fun watching our apples float. As for our kindergarten children, they were able to bake some apple chips.
We moved on to the third week and got to learn about land, water, and air. Children looked at cards with different objects or things and had to put them in the correct place. They placed the airplane under AIR, the boat under WATER and truck under LAND. We went around the classroom and found stuff that would belong to each topic. Towards the middle of the week, we started seeing the seven continents and learned a fun song to remember them. Our children also got to learn some of the animals found in each continent and learn their names. This was a very fun and busy week as we also celebrated Grandparents’ Day; so many Grandpas and Grandmas came to share a nice, fun reading time with us. Our angels loved seeing their grandparents and listening to different kinds of stories.
The month of September went by so fast and for our last week, we got to learn about each other. We did a “me” bag in which all the children had to bring a bag with 3 things that best described them or of things they liked. This was a very fun activity because children got to talk in front of their friends and tell us what each item in their bag represented. We learned a lot about each other. To finish up this week, we went over Frida Kahlo. Children got to see some of her most famous paintings and did their self-portrait using a mirror, just like Frida did. The most fun part was making a Frida Kahlo piñata using a toilet paper roll. Last but not the least, we learned a bit about different animal groups. We used different kind of cards to learn the names and classify them into their groups.
It was for sure a fun and exciting month, full of so many memories. We are looking forward to October and we know it’s going to be a fun month as well. We are ready to learn many more things! Toddler Classes A new month has begun as we go into our Transportation unit. Our BMS toddlers learned how to get to and from different places. We described how each form of transportation has its own method. What has two wheels? Bicycle. What has four wheels? Bus. What flies in the air? Airplane. What goes in the water? Boat. We did fun art work every Friday that contained a vehicle. The toddlers made a yellow school bus, an airplane, and a sailboat. Our little toddlers also painted their little hands red, yellow, and green and made a hand print stoplight. We discussed what we do when the light turns red. We stop! We also explained green for go and yellow for slow. The toddlers also played a game called "red light, green light" which we all loved. Our classroom is always full of fun and excitement and especially lots of love. We had some great fun at circle time this month as well. The children used their imagination acting like they were airplanes with their little arms out flying in the sky. They also imagined their little arms were paddles as they row, row, row their boats down the stream. The toddlers also sang songs such as The Wheels on the Bus and Row, Row, Row your Boat. We are so happy to have new friends with us as well as the old. We love to see all the fun activities that we have here at Blossoms Montessori school. Be on the lookout for our toddlers October festivities!
August 2022 Newsletter
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."-Nelson Mandela
Primary Classes Hello parents!It is hard to believe the month of August is almost over. Here at Blossoms MontessoriSchool, despite the heat, this month has been eventful and filled with excitement for theupcoming school year.The first week of August was “Theater Week”. The children had fun making art projects.They made funny characters and created a theater out of a tissue box. We also learnedabout performances with a microphone and had a talent day. Ms. Savi’s friends performed the 3 Billy goats gruff. There are a lot of talentedchildren at BMS. At the end of the week, we celebrated the end of summer camp bylearning dances to songs that were performed and recorded for parents.The second week was “Nature Week”. The children learned all about nature and howimportant it is to our environment. They painted some leaves, participated in a naturescavenger hunt, created their names with seeds, painted rocks, and made a naturalhabitat. We also had a special field trip for our Primary children. One of our BMS families came in for a special surprise. The Wilson Family volunteered to come to teach the children the ins and outs of being a Florist. The children learned how to keep flowers looking nice while in a vase, and all the children had the opportunity to make a beautiful, customized bouquet. A HUGE thank you to Wilson Family.The students had a great time learning about nature. We read books duringcircle time and saw some amazing pictures of different things in nature.Our third week of August was all about Dr. Maria Montessori. We learned who MariaMontessori was and her accomplishments. Students learned about the first schoolhousein Italy and how Dr. Montessori impacted education. We talked about the greatlessons of Montessori and watched a very informative documentary about her life.During the last week of the month, all the teachers and children were preparing theclassroom for the beginning of the school year. We are sad to see the end of summer camp, but everyone is excited and very hopeful for a wonderful school year.
Toddler Classes Welcome, August! August is back to school month and our unit for this month is “All About Me”. The toddlers learned about old friends and we welcomed our new friends. Our BMS toddlers got to take home an “all about me” worksheet and filled it out with their families at home. During our first 2 weeks, we had the toddlers come up and show their “all about me” paper, and they got to say something about themselves. In the 3rd and 4th weeks, our toddlers worked on learning our daily classroom routine. The children work on what to do and what to say when entering the classroom. How to put up their work when they are finished and to push their chairs in when they are complete. This is a routine that we teach our toddlers so we all can be on task and have a nice flow to the school day. We have learned a little bit about dinosaurs as well. We have learned about carnivores and herbivores, and we have learned about the mighty t-rex. We also learned about the pterodactyl and how he flies with his massive wings. Circle time is the best time!! We learned a new song and it goes like this - “I am Ms. Kristal, tall and fun, here is a wave here is a smile when I get all joyed up hear me shout just jump up and down and turn me around.” It's the tune of “I ‘m a little teapot”...... We change the name for each of our classmates and continue with the song. We also discovered more shapes this month. We are learning hexagons, octagons, and stars. Our BMS toddlers also had an art activity each week. We started with a handprint watermelon, then moved to apple painting, and finished with rain sticks. This has been a great start of the school year for our toddlers.
"The American flag is the symbol of our freedom, national pride and history" -Mike Fitzpatrick
Primary Classes July is the month of joy and renewal. The month of July is passing by with lots of joy and happiness along with an abundance of blessings to our precious children. We, as teachers, experience pure happiness and big smiles when we are greeted by our little children’s happy faces every day. We started the first week of July by learning about our beautiful country of America. Children had fun baking a cake and decorating it with white icing, using strawberries and blueberries to match the color of our flag. The children’s excitement and creativity were amazing! Other topics explored during the first week were the scavenger hunt, parts of the flag, the pledge, how to stand at ease and attention, a marching parade, and a respectful salute. It was fun to watch our future leaders take the responsibilities as great citizens of the United States. During this week, we had special visitors – Mrs. Cabrera, Mr. Garrett, and one more officer from Harris County Sheriff’s Department who visited our school. All the officers brought police cars and allowed the children to sit inside their cars, and turn on their lights and sirens. HCSO brought sunglasses and sticker badges for all of our children, and Houston Police Department brought coloring books for our children. Our BMS angels really enjoyed seeing the police cars and learning about how police officers provide safety. We want to say a HUGE thank you to our parents, HPD and HCSO for taking the time to present to our children. You really made their week!
The second week of July was focused on road signs and safety tips – how to cross a road, the importance of streetlights, avoiding strangers and hazards, as well as home safety with sharp equipment. We were treated with a great presentation from the Houston Police Department which recapped many of the week’s lessons. We are extremely grateful to Sergeant Maria Cabrera for bringing the police car to our school and explaining how the police department works to keep our community safe. All our children got an opportunity to wear her police hat and take pictures inside her police car. We want to say a huge thank you to the Houston Police Department for all the wonderful goodies they brought for our children – blue police sunglasses, coloring books, crayons, pencils, and police badge stickers. The local fire department also demonstrated a valuable lesson about fire safety. Children had a wonderful time exploring and taking pictures with the firemen and the fire truck. What a memorable day for our little angels!
The third week of July was all about sports and games. We leaned into the Olympics theme. Children learned the history of the Olympics and how and when the Olympic games started, the importance of the Olympic torch, the symbolism of the five rings, and how the entire world comes together as a team once every four years for the Olympics. All our primary classes enjoyed participating in team games during our playground time. The caterpillar walk and the baton relay race were very competitive for our little ones. Due to the hot weather, we played plenty of indoor games such as pass the sombrero, move the spoon and lemon, pass the tissue roll over your head, etc. Our children took the Olympics theme in full stride, cheering their friends and embracing the spirit of competition.
We ended the month of July with Math-letes Camp. We used Montessori materials and worksheets to develop and enhance the knowledge of the decimal system. Children learned the difference between concrete vs. abstract, how to combine the golden beads with the abstract color-coded numerals, and how to build an association between quantities and symbols. We also practiced all four operations of Mathematics. We included art and craft lessons to elevate their understanding and have fun with Math!
The month of July flew by quickly. We are looking forward to more summer fun in August. Toddlers This month we completed our deep dive into the ocean and its life. We finished learning about the types of marine animals in English and Spanish, their body parts, what they eat, how they are different, and what we can do to help them live happily in the ocean. We practiced our new materials in the classroom such as matching fish, naming marine animals, and picture cards and had fun with our new stories about the ocean. We worked with our large motor skills during the games and dances in our class. We have seen a tremendous amount of growth in our children’s speech and in their social and emotional development. Our children have improved in the recognition of numbers, quantities, letters/sounds and have improved in the Spanish language as well.
As the month of July ends, the toddlers are wrapping up an amazing and adventurous zoo month. This was the last unit in our summertime fun, as we get ready for the new school year. During our zoo unit, toddlers learned about the animals that are found in the zoo. We identified all different types of animals, such as the ones that have stripes (Zebras) and (Tigers) and also the ones that are tall (Giraffes.) Our classroom walls are filled with different zoo animal activities for our toddlers. We did a different zoo animal art each week. Toddlers made a handprint monkey, a handprint giraffe, a paper plate tiger, and a lion. Our circle time was very special with animal songs such as “We are Walking to the Zoo” and “The Animals on the Bus.” Toddlers really enjoyed making animal sounds and reading the zoo books such as Curious George Visits the Zoo. The most exciting part about our zoo unit was our parade. Toddlers enjoyed seeing the animals they created and the toy animals we displayed around the room. Toddlers got an opportunity to use their binoculars to look at the animals as well. During our walk to the zoo, we sang a song called “We are Walking to the Zoo” and our toddlers got to sway their arms like an elephant trunk, roars like a tiger and lion, stand like a flamingo, and howl like the monkeys. Children loved acting like animals and making animal sounds. We loved watching them blossom here! As always it is a pleasure to work with our children and see them develop and improve. Now we all cannot wait to start off a new, exciting school year!
"Free choice is one of the highest of all the mental processes’’-Maria Montessori
The month of June is the month of warmth, love, respect, and summer joy. We started this month with the theme of Nutrition. Our little angels were very excited to learn about the food pyramid and nutrition facts. Our little friends made smoothies with strawberries and bananas and talked about the nutrition facts of milk, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, and oranges. We did worksheets about the food pyramid and its nutrition facts. Our little explorers also made watermelon and orange juice which they enjoyed a lot.
For the second week of the summer program, we learned about Farm and Agriculture. They also learned about the differences between the zoo and the farm animals. Our children made farm animals using play-doh and did worksheets related to this theme. Our little geniuses also learned about singular, plural, adjectives, and articles. We finished this week off with our first in-house field trip of the year. TheMobile Dairy Classroom visited our school and brought their very own cow. Our BMS angels learned where milk comes from by watching the milking process. Thank you to the Mobile Dairy Classroom for visiting our school.
The special day of this week was the celebration of Donuts with Dad. We are very thankful to BMS parentswho participated to make this event successful. Our children were very excited; they performed a song in front of their dads called, “I love my daddy.” Our little artists made matching ties and cards and decorated bookmarks for their dads. Happy Father's Day to all of our BMS dads. Thank you all for sharing your advice with our other families.
For the next week of the month of June, our little scholars learned about Robots.In this theme, our little friends learned about the parts of the robots. They also made their moving robots with paper and did related worksheets. The most fun part of this week was when our children made their own robots with recycled boxes, buttons, and aluminum foil. They decorated their robots by themselves and were so excited to take them home. Thank you to all of our parents for bringing in materials to make this dream come true!
During the last week of this month, we arranged a reading camp. We read age-appropriate books for 3,4, and 5 years old. We also arranged activities for learning the beginning and ending sounds and letter blends. Our BMS readers enjoyed gaining the skill of sounding out the words and practicing writing words as well. Some of our older kids from Ms. Savi's class performed the "3 Billy Goats Gruff" for our younger students. Our younger BMS angels really enjoyed the performance of the older students. We have some very fun themes coming up in the month of July and cannot wait to share them in the next month's newsletter.
Toddler Classes Welcome, June! For the month of June, our toddlers worked on their “Under the Sea” art project. We enjoyed talking about the animals of the ocean. The toddlers had fun learning about different animals like fishes, sharks, dolphins, and whales. They learned about the anatomy of ocean animals. The toddlers made Under the Sea artwork using paper plates and rainbow goldfish with pipe cleaners as coral. This is a fun way of keeping the children's imagination growing.
This month we started our deep dive into the ocean and its life. We talked about fishes, sharks, turtles, octopuses, and sea stars and their body parts, what they eat, how they are different, and what we can do to help them live happily in the ocean. With our new materials in the classroom, we learned to match fishes, name marine animals, use picture cards, and had fun with our new stories about the ocean. We observed marine animal toys that grow in water, which was a very fun sensory lesson. Children were able to see it grow day by day and finally take one home.
We did many crafts, identified ABC letters, and counted 1-5 with the apple tree and the 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. The toddlers also learned the difference between heavy and light, wet and dry, and hot and cold for sensorial learning. Our toddlers’ favorite learning for this month was listening to Jack Hartman’s tracks during music time, making Under the Sea crafts with paper plates, counting the apples on the apple tree, the 5 little monkeys for Practical life, and distinguishing between heavy/light, wet/dry, and hot/cold for Sensorial lessons.
During summertime, our toddler classroom is a little different with all different activities and arts and crafts. On each Friday of the month, we did show and tell with the letter we worked on each week. Our BMS angels enjoyed bringing something fun to show to their friends every Friday. This helped the children identify the letter and learn the sounds as we pass the objects around to our friends. We all are excited as we have learned about different types of ocean animals this month. As always, it is a pleasure to work with our children and see them develop and improve! Stay tuned for the July newsletter where we will dive even deeper into our ocean life. We cannot wait to tell you all about our fun July curriculum in the next newsletter.
"Give the world the best you have and greatness will come back to you".-Catherine Pulsifer
In the month of May, we did a lot of fun activities and learned many new things. In the first week of May, we celebrated Mother’s Day. We sang for our mommies and enjoyed some yummy snacks with them. Mommy got to see our children working on their favorite Montessori work and took lots of pictures. During this week we enjoyed looking at some very cool plants. We also learned about planting and the materials needed for gardening.
Children were very excited to start the third week of May because this meant learning about different types of rocks. We read some books and learned fun facts about rocks. Some of our friends shared rocks that they picked out from their homes. We saw each rock with our magnifying glasses and also learned the life cycle of a rock. Children were so excited to see the different types of rocks and how they can become something beautiful like a diamond.
During the fourth week of May, we got to learn a bit more about Australia. The children looked at pictures of different types of birds in Australia. We listened to their sounds and learned about the famous Kookaburra bird. We had so much fun and learned different things throughout this awesome month. On Tuesday we kicked in summer with a fun water play. Children had fun getting wet in the playground. For the last days of this week, we had a lesson to understand why we celebrate Memorial Day. We read a book and the children learned the importance of Memorial Day.
During this month we also had a fun pizza party for our friends that will be going to kindergarten. Children took pictures with their caps and gowns and got to have some fun time with their friends before going to “big kid school”. It was for sure a very busy month, but we all had a lot of fun. We are ready to start our summer program and enjoy some fun activities.
Toddler Classes The month of May is always a fun month at Blossoms. We are nearing the end of spring and jumping into some summer fun in June! This month all of our toddler classes learned about insects. Our BMS toddlers enjoyed learning about our creepy crawly friends. Firstly, we learned about life cycles. Our favorite life cycle is of course the life cycle of a butterfly. Ms. Kristal’s kiddoes did a fun life cycle of a butterfly craft, using thumbprints for caterpillar eggs and handprints for beautiful butterfly wings.
Ms. Kristal’s class also did a shapes bean bag toss to work on coordination and shapes recognition. Her kids had a blast doing this activity. All of our toddler classes had so much fun using their exploration skills and doing a bug hunt. We used our nets and bug cages to catch grasshoppers in our outdoor play area and Mr. Alex’s class actually created a bug habitat for their bugs to live in. Our classes learned about Ladybugs, bees, and butterflies. Mr. Alex’s class did a special lesson on appreciating the environment and respecting the little lives in our backyard play area. We learned that bugs are peaceful and necessary creatures and we do not need to disturb them in their homes. We discussed that insects have 6 legs. We read the book titled The Grouchy Ladybug.
Mr. Alex and Ms. Kristal’s class focused on the letters C, R, I, and P. We learned what they look like, what they sound like, and what they feel like. Ms. Krystee’s class focused on X, F, O, and B. No bugs and insect units are complete without reading the very hungry Caterpillar, so that was an absolute favorite this month. They learned what they look and sound like, and also what they feel like. All of our toddlers have been practicing their fine motor skills with our tweezing bugs activities, and have enjoyed learning about creepy crawly bugs this month of May. Our toddlers deserved to have a little break so to end this month and kick off June, all of our classes participated in a fun water day where they got to play with water toys, and run in the sprinklers. All classes have continued to do circle time where they discuss letters, numbers, the calendar, and the weather. We always enjoy reading books, singing, and dancing during our circle time. Stay tuned for next month’s newsletter where we will talk about our Fun in the Sun summer.
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”- Jessica Harrelson
Primary Classes Hello parents and Happy April! It’s finally spring and time for nicer weather. Our little students have many ideas about going outdoors, and digging in the dirt to plant beautiful flowers.
We started the month exploring the beautiful continent of Africa. We learned about geographical location, various tribes, traditions, beliefs, clothing, shelter, animals, plants, and culture. Our children had many questions and also, they tried on some traditional African clothes and jewelry to see the beauty. To wrap up the conversation we invited one of our students' mothers to take our minds to Nigeria. She gave us a wonderful presentation and we all enjoyed a plantain with honey snack to experience a taste of Nigeria. Thank you, Mrs. Olajide.
We moved into the second week and celebrated Spring by learning about flowers. The life cycle of a plant, parts of the flower, and also some common wildflowers that grow in Texas. We had fun learning about our state flower, the Bluebonnet. We painted many beautiful Bluebonnets and read the story of The Legend of the Bluebonnet. Lucas Flesher shared a beautiful storybook with all of us. Thank you, Lucas! Right before the Easter holiday, we learned about parts of an egg and also why the egg symbolizes Easter. Everyone had so much fun and excitement collecting Easter eggs during our egg hunt.
Our third week was all about the sun and water. We had a lesson about the water cycle and the importance of clean water. Lessons about the sun included parts of the sun and how the Lagrange points are positioned in space where the gravitational pull of the Sun and Earth is balanced. Our students enjoyed learning about sun safety and also making colorful sunglasses as a craft.
Finally, we were so excited to show more love to the one and only Earth we live on. We had many activities such as fun learning about land formations, booklets, paper plate earth paintings, and also Introducing 3 R’s. (Reduce, recycle and reuse). We all took over the responsibility of cleaning around our playground, caring for the plants we have in our room, and also watering our beautiful garden. We wrapped up our month by making boxes for recycling different materials.
Toddler Classes Dear Toddler Families, the month of April is over. This month we learned about spring, baby animals, weather changes from cold to hot, and what to wear in spring vs winter. We talked about parts of a plant, root, stem, leaves, and petals. We also talked about what a plant needs to grow such as sun, soil, water, and air. We welcome Spring, by celebrating the spring egg hunt at our school and having so much fun during our Egg Hunt. Thank you to all of the parents who helped with the eggs so the children can have a special Egg Hunt. We celebrated the Bunny this month and we were lucky enough to see a family of bunnies on our playground! During our outside playtime, we had fun games that help in the development of gross motor skills as well as teamwork!
During this month, we also learned some new songs, morning greetings, names of animals, and our letters. During our morning circle time every day, we do calendar, greetings, present them with new lessons and read books. Our letters and sounds for this month were "M, S, A, T" and “C, R, I, P”. We also did tracing and coloring as we are working on three-finger grasp for holding a pencil. We had a great experience with our Mediation Tea Party. We practiced drinking Chinese traditional tea; in a very quiet and silent environment. We showed the lesson on how to brew the “tea” (water). The children were very excited and surprised and really enjoyed the tea (water) and the whole experience. The most exciting day is always Friday, because every Friday we have a Share Day. Everyone is so excited to share toys at Show and Tell day (Share Day). Please remember to bring something very special for the child to share on Friday, they enjoy having the spotlight. Thank you to all parents for helping.
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out” – Dr. Seuss
After having a short, but fun month of February we moved on to March and enjoyed so many fun things especially, welcoming Spring. We started the month learning about frog's life cycle, different types of frogs, the parts of a frog, tadpoles, and of course all about the amphibians. The children got to see and name the different types of frogs there are around the world and see their amazing and beautiful colors. We all did the frog’s anatomy booklets and our BMS angels were able to use the puzzle to learn about it as well. The children painted some lily pads and frogs for a fun craft to make a big pond artwork for our wall.
We moved on to the second week and celebrated International Women’s Day/week. Children participated by sharing the important women in their life, their SHE-roes. Our angels brought in a poster or just a picture of the women most important to them. It was so nice getting to know a little bit about women’s empowerment. During this week children also got introduced to many new Practical Life jobs.
We entered very excited and ready to get to St. Patrick’s Day on the third week of this month. Of course, we started the week by learning about South America. The children got to see the South America puzzle and learn a little bit about each country there. All the children enjoyed coloring the map and learning the different types and colors of their flags. As Wednesday came we could not wait, but first, we took the time to talk a little about Ireland. We looked at the flag of Ireland and learned its colors and heard the story of how St. Patrick’s Day started. Finally, Thursday came, and we all were excited to see what Lenny the Leprechaun left for us. First, Little Lenny ran all over the classroom and left his footprints everywhere including our tables. He seemed like he was hungry and decided to steal some of our snacks. Silly Lenny! He was nice enough on his way out that he left some gold for the children in the playground. We had so much fun finding golden coins and felt happy Lenny was nice to us.
Yay Spring is here! This week we welcomed spring and got some nice rain to start with. Children learn the signs of spring and all the weather patterns around us. We ended this week with a nice picnic and pinata fun. All our primary children got together on our playground and enjoyed some snacks, which was followed by a fun pinata party. Our angels had so much fun and enjoyed every minute of it!
For the last week, we went into learning about plants. We got to see the life cycle of a plant and all the important parts of a plant. We did some planting in which our children got the chance to put some seeds in the soil and together as a class we will be watching these plants grow. To end the month, we had some outside activity and each child had a turn to fly a kite. We are very thankful for every parent that has made each event possible for our little angels. We look forward to a fun April.
Dear toddler families, the month of March is over. We had so much fun celebrating St. Patrick's Day. We learned about Irish culture and how they celebrate the traditional holiday. We learned about the special lucky four-leaf clovers, music, and traditions. We did arts and crafts and had fun when we went outside looking for good luck shamrocks. All of our little toddlers were so excited to wear green on the 17th. We really enjoyed sitting in our circle time and playing musical instruments. Each kid got a different instrument to play, and we combined as a band. We even have a singer too. We do circle time and calendar every day. Our circle time is filled with dancing, reading books, and teaching lessons. Our lesson on letters this month was "X, Y, and Z. Our toddlers really enjoyed getting messy with colorful paint for our arts and crafts. We have music every day; music is the universal language, and our children love music. All our toddler friends love to read books during circle, also they have their own free time to choose to read books in the reading area. Our toddler’ classroom is always filled with happiness and lots of love in our little angels' hearts, and of course, we cannot avoid a bump here and there because we are toddlers. Our Toddlers are always excited to share their toys at Show and Tell (Share Day). Friends bring their favorite toys to school to share with their friends at circle time. We got to use our hands to touch and feel and we may only use 2 fingers to touch a friend's toy while he/she walked around the circle to show it to their friends. Stay tuned for our Rainy April Newsletter!
February 2022 NEWSLETTER
“No One is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers”. - Wolfgang Riebe
February is the shortest month of the year but it is filled with lots of love and wonderful activities. We always start this month with the Lunar New Year celebration. We also learned about Groundhog Day. To further our studies, the children participated in learning the Groundhog’s life cycle and what our furry friends eat. Our BMS angels did informative worksheets and enjoyed making a groundhog for arts and crafts.
During the second week of February, we learned about our Solar System including the planets and the stars. The little stars of BMS learned fun space songs and really enjoyed making a solar system craft. They showed lots of interest about learning new things regarding our solar system. Our primary children also participated in doing a floor puzzle about our Solar system.
The month of February cannot be completed without talking about love and acts of kindness. BMS celebrated Valentine’s Day with a party with their classmates. Of course, the Valentine’s Party was everyone’s favorite activity. Our parties consisted of dancing with friends, eating yummy food, and creating and exchanging Valentine’s Day cards with our classmates. Our little ones enjoyed making crafts for Valentine's Day. They made their heart bags with paper plates, yarn and heart stickers. They also made their love glasses. For Valentine’s Day lessons, they also sang some fun songs about love and care. Our little friends really enjoyed their party. Thank you to all of our parents for contributing and making this day fun for everyone at Blossoms, we wouldn’t be able to do it without your participation.
We started the third week of this month with a unit about animals and their offspring. Our primary children learned about how mommy and baby animals survive in their habitats and they also learned about animals native to Asia. To continue with our theme, we learned about the continent of Asia and its countries. For this unit, we arranged two presentations for two Asian countries. Our first presentation was done by Ms. Samia and she taught us about one of the beautiful countries in Asia, Pakistan. For this presentation she provided information about Pakistan’s population (wow!), traditions, Pakistani monuments and delicious food. At the end of the presentation, our children engaged with some coloring pages of Pakistani flag and a traditional bride and groom. Our second presentation was about the Asian island, Sri Lanka. With big help from Ms. Savi, we learned about its location, traditions, animals and Sri Lankan culture. At the end of this presentation, Ms. Savi passed coloring pages of the Sri Lankan flag and an elephant. We also provided a traditional snack, the Sri Lankan sugar cookie. Our friends also enjoyed making a craft where they were riding an elephant in Sri Lanka. We all enjoyed these presentations and activities and learning about cultures is very important.
For the last week of February, we learned all about the previous Presidents of the United States. We introduced the value of coins, the American dollar and participated in shopping lessons. On our fun Friday, we celebrated 100 days! Our BMS angels brought objects from home to count with their friends and everyone enjoyed dressing up as grannies and grandpas, pretending to be 100 years old. We are really thankful for all of our parents’ hard work and participation making these days super fun.
Toddler Classes February is the month of love! Our toddlers got to celebrate two fun events, Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year presented by Ms. Krystee. Our toddlers learned about the history and traditions of Lunar New Year. We also learned that 2022 is the year of the Tiger! Our little angels were able to experience cultural clothing and the traditions surrounding this holiday. We also learned about the special, lucky red envelopes. The toddler group was very excited to listen to traditional music and partake in a “tea” party. They had so much fun sipping “tea” with their friends. Our teachers provided a fun circle time lesson on how to brew tea, and sip with mindfulness. During circle time, we also went over our calendar, discussed the weather, played instruments, sang songs, danced and read books. Our classroom is always filled with happiness and compassion and lots of love in our little toddlers’ hearts. For Valentine's Day, children had the opportunity to pass out cards to their friends which made them feel special and loved. Everyone enjoys doing sensory work, especially hand painting crafts. All of our friends love to read books during circle time and Montessori work time. Our toddlers really enjoyed the book "Te Amo, “and “I Love You," which ties into our cultural learning and our Valentine’s theme. Valentine's Day is a very special day filled with lots of love, hearts and of course red and pink.
We are still continuing our Share Day/Show and Tell on Fridays. During circle time, our toddlers get to show their friends what they brought from home. They walk around the circle giving everyone the opportunity to touch with two fingers. Everyone really enjoys this activity, and feels special bringing something from home. Thank you to our parents for your participation in our Valentine’s Day party. We would not be able to do these special activities without you!
January 2022 NEWSLETTER
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning”. -Mr. Rogers
We are all bursting with excitement to start the New Year with an energetic spirit. Happy New Year to you all! We are so delighted to see our BMS angels return to their classroom routine after the holiday break. It seems the time away was just what they needed to recharge their minds and yearn for more time with friends and teachers. We began the month with a fun lesson that explored many cultures. The students learned how to say "hello" and "happy new year" in different languages. We also reviewed the yearly calendar by learning a new fun song. Following this, we made cards for loved ones. I hope you were lucky enough to receive one of these.
The next topic on our monthly agenda was to learn about cold and windy Antarctica. Appropriate considering most of the country is in a deep chill at the moment. The children learned about Antarctica’s geographic location, animals, transportation system and also weather patterns in other cold regions. The Arctic and Antarctic lifestyle seem to pique a lot of interest. Our BMS angels had so much fun learning information about hibernation patterns of animals, especially penguins. We finished off the cold, winter theme by learning about the coldest states in the US. Between creating dioramas and personal igloos, it is safe to say the students are now ready to be Eskimos! Following our antarctic unit.
We also learned about the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. The main takeaway being his message to practice kindness to all. Our lesson included a "dream big" session, where we discussed the importance of working passionately for great results. The monthly science focus was on States of Matter. The students learned the properties of each form and how to recognize these elements in daily life. To develop the pencil grip, we included several activities along with our topics above to the practical life shelf. Classroom favorites were: place glass beads on the snow flake and fill the snowman jar with cotton balls using tweezers. We are beaming with pride for our hard working 5-year-olds. It’s great to see them learn to read and develop penmanship. We are excited for a new year of growth and discovery.
Toddler families, the month of January is already over, and we enjoyed kicking off the new year with a bang. We have experienced our winter season of the year. The weather has been changing so much, with the rain, the wind, and the cold. Our BMS toddlers love to observe the elements. Sometimes, we open the door, sit next to it and watch the rain. We talk about the raindrops and come back to check for rainbows. Everyone enjoys wearing their thick winter clothes, kids brought their favorite beanie, best rain boots, and their colorful umbrellas to class. We have learned what we wear on a winter day to keep us warm. We introduced them to different kinds of the weather by singing a new song during circle time. We go over our calendar every day, and our circle time includes music, dancing, and reading books. Our classroom is always filled with happiness, compassion and especially lots of love in our little toddler's heart. We practiced lots of sensorial lessons this month with arts and crafts. All of our BMS toddlers love books, Our favorite book from the January unit was " The Biggest Snowman Ever". We still have a special circle time every Friday. This is our "Share Day" or show and tell. Our toddlers bring whatever they want from home and walk around the circle to show their friends. We may only use 2 fingers to touch a friend's toy. All the children are very excited to show their friends their favorite belongings from home. Please remember to bring something for your little one to share and participate in Share Day.
Thank you for reading and staying tuned with our little angels’ work at BMS.
December 2021 NEWSLETTER
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to Change the world”. – Nelson Mandela
Oh, what fun! December is a month of festivity, family, and traditions. It is the best way to end a long year, and gives us all that we need to start a new year. Our BMS angels had so much fun learning everything about winter this month. To kick off December, our children learned about seasonal changes in December. What does winter feel like? What happens with the weather? We had a quick and fun lesson on winter vocabulary during our first week of December and familiarize ourselves with words like “snow, reindeer and holiday.” We also learned about winter clothing. Our BMS Angels learned what to wear to keep ourselves warm. We learned that to stay warm, we wear mittens for our hands, scarves for our necks, boots for our feet and beanies for our heads! During our second week of December, we learned about arctic habitats and the animals that live in them. We learned that some animals sleep all winter long, and this is called hibernation. Our primary classes also had fun participating in our tree decorating practical life lesson and were so pleased with the way it turned out. During our 3rd week of December, we began rehearsals for our lovely winter concert. We made fingerprint snow globes, finger-painted wreaths with holly berries, and decorated our paper stockings. Our children discussed winter traditions around the world. We learned about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas. We also did a lesson on the legend of the poinsettia. During our third week of December, we had a Christmas party filled with goodies. During our party, we had delicious food provided by our awesome parents. We decorated Christmas cookies, and listened to everyone’s favorite holiday songs. We practiced a Christmas tradition and had a book exchange, where each of our friends brought a book to give to another friend. It is the season of giving after all. All of our children worked so hard on their winter concerts and the performance for our parents was spectacular! Our BMS angels were so excited to perform for their parents. The last week of December was a short week, and we had a board game day. All of our friends brought different board games to play with their friends for a day of fun and games. We also discussed winter traditions in Canada, our neighboring country. Our last and final week of December, we learned about winter traditions around the world, including Australia and Mexico. We would like to give all of our parents a special thanks for contributing to our holiday parties, we would not have been able to do it without everyone’s participation. Happy New Year 2022 to everyone from Blossoms family!
Dear toddler families, December went by so fast with all the fun we had, and we cannot believe 2021 is over! Our toddlers learned about Holiday traditions around the world. We learned about Christmas traditions and the importance of families, friends, and togetherness. We learned about Santa coming on Christmas Eve with all of his reindeers, and all the elves working together to make toys and goodies for us. The BMS toddlers really enjoyed taking part in the book exchange. Everyone was so excited to share with their friends and take a new book home to read with their families. Our classmates had a fun time decorating the Christmas tree and their faces lit up when they saw the beautiful twinkling lights. We did many crafts for the holidays, including gluing the beard on Santa and making mistletoe wreaths for our parents to enjoy. We had a great Christmas party filled with goodies and treats, and would like to give a special thanks to our parents for making this happen. Our classroom is always filled with happiness, compassion and especially lots of love in our little toddlers’ hearts. We always have a circle time where we sing songs and play music. Children enjoyed singing jingle bells song using their own bells! We read “There was an old lady who swallowed some snow” and everyone laughed and had a great time reading it over and over. We still have a share day (show and tell) at circle time every Friday. Friends bring their favorite toy to school to share with their classmates; this is everyone’s favorite day! We wish all the parents and BMS angels a very happy New Year!
Thank you and reminders Last but not the least, we would like to thank all of our parents for contributing for holiday season. Between birthdays, holiday parties, and Christmas gifts, you all have gone above and beyond to make our staff and children feel special. We are truly grateful for everything you parents do for us, the school, and your children. Cheers to another year of growth, smiles, new additions, and lots of learning. Watching your children grow and blossom with us has to be the best gift one could ever receive. Peace and blessings to all. Love, Blossoms Family.
November 2021 Newsletter
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them”- John F Kennedy
The month of November is the month of gratitude so, firstly, on behalf of the BMS faculty, I would like to say thank you to all the parents for contributing and participating in class events, and supporting us. We would not be able to do it without you. Happy November, we have definitely entered into the Fall season! The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground. The children are enjoying running through the leaves and listening to the crunching sounds they make. We started the month of November with learning about the life cycle of corn, anatomy of corn, and fun facts about corn. Our BMS angels did a few worksheets about corn and participated in a corn counting activity. Everyone enjoyed taking part in making our corn wreath craft.
Our classes also really enjoyed learning about Native Americans, and their history and importance to American Culture. The students really enjoyed learning about “pilgrims” and native Americans, what they wear and the history and origin of the cultures in America.
We learned about turkeys and why we eat turkey for Thanksgiving, and what techniques native americans used to catch them. We also talked about the anatomy of turkey (Montessori booklet and worksheets), different kinds of birds, and the life cycle of a turkey. Our little artists made a lovely Thanksgiving Turkey placemat, Turkey finger puppets and colorful Turkey craft. We also talked about cultivation and agriculture and crops in early America. The best part of this month was our annual Thanksgiving feast. We are thankful for our BMS parents who helped us to make this special occasion super special. Our BMS angels painted vegetables, and then cut and glued them onto a paper plate to make their ideal Thanksgiving meal. Each student shared what they are thankful for and it was very nice to hear everyone’s input. Someone said I'm thankful for my pet, the other friend said I'm thankful for my bed and lots of toys, one friend said I am thankful for Amazon. (HA!) We really enjoyed hearing what everyone was thankful for. For the Thanksgiving feast our friends made “Native American” headbands using feathers and beads, and we also made “pilgrim” hats to wear. Our classes sang a few songs before the Feast, and we all enjoyed sitting around one big table to have a sense of togetherness. One of the most enjoyable parts of the thanksgiving celebrations was the Turkey dance. It was a delight to see our children enjoying themselves. They ate food, drank apple cranberry punch and said thank you to all their friends for being a part of their life.
November is also National Handwashing Awareness month to help remind us that the risk of infection is ever-present, especially around the holidays. Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe. Stay tuned to see what December holds, it is the most wonderful time of the year after all :) Dear my toddler families. Time went by so quickly and we can’t believe November is over already. We started our new units about Fruits and Vegetables. Our toddler classes really enjoyed the fruit and vegetable tasting sessions. We learned about different kinds of fruits and vegetables, learned about where they come from and compared all of their shapes, colors, and smells. Thank you to all of our toddler parents for contributing to our tasting sessions, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. Everyone’s most favorite fruit was the watermelon, because of its fun colors and juicy sweet flavors. We did many Thanksgiving crafts and also had a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast. Our toddler classes enjoyed doing the classic handprint Turkey craft, and had a great time choosing the feathers for the tail. Our classroom is always filled with happiness, compassion and especially lots of love in our toddlers’ hearts. We had a very special circle time where we sang turkey songs, and played musical instruments. All of our toddler friends love reading books. During our November unit we focused on the book " There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey". Don’t forget on Fridays, we do share-day, or show and tell. Our classmates are allowed to bring something fun from home to show their friends, they enjoy walking around the circle and showing their most prized possessions. Stay tuned next month to see what’s in store.
Everyone please welcome all of our new friends at Blossoms, we can’t wait to watch you grow with us. Welcome to the Blossoms family, we are so happy to have you all.
October 2021 NEWSLETTER
"Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year." - Chad Sugg
We enjoyed September to the fullest while welcoming a few new students into our classrooms. It’s delightful to observe them learning classroom routines. We want to give a big thanks to all the students, for helping new friends settle in. Everyone was beyond excited to welcome October. We started off October with our first project about the Human skeleton. The students learned that the skeletal system supports the whole body while protecting the soft organs inside of the body. Our BMS angels also learned that the skeleton also works in conjunction with our muscles to allow the body to move. The most fun part was learning about the different types of bones, and names of specific bones. We used worksheets, pictures, and crafts to extend the skeletal fun. Two of the classroom’s favorite activities were creating skeleton snacks using pretzels and crafting a “handsome skeleton” using Q-Tips.
Next, we rolled into our unit of continental studies: North America and USA. Our students traveled through all seven continents visually and learned about North America and the USA this month. Some of the key topics include diverse culture, and biomes such as flora and forest, and animals from the continent. We leveraged Montessori puzzle maps, worksheets and globes to find different Countries, Islands, Mountains, and Water bodies. The students were introduced to the map of the USA, the 50 states, and major cities. Discussion about the US flag, the Pledge of Allegiance and The U.S. Constitutions were also included in our discussions.
The most fun theme of the month was saved for last- Pumpkins! Pumpkins allow for a lot of sensory learning opportunities for our students. We had a lesson about the life cycle of a pumpkin, where we learned they start from seeds planted in the ground. We learned about seasons in which pumpkins grow, parts and anatomy of the pumpkin, and the many ways we can use pumpkins to make delicious treats. We wrapped up the month with some super fun moments such as decorating pumpkins, and a few carnival games like bean bags and ring toss. We can’t forget our friendly Scarecrow, Mr. Jack, who will be coming back for a visit next year. Our students loved dressing up in costumes and having a Fall festival. They enjoyed listening to Halloween songs, and exchanging sweet treats.
Toddler Classes Time went by so quickly and we are sad October is over now. We started our new units all about Fall. We went over things we see during October like pumpkins, ghosts, and scarecrows. And we also learned how to celebrate Fall traditions, like carving pumpkins and trick or treating. We learned all about pumpkins like their colors and variety of shapes. Our little angels carved a pumpkin to make the jack o’ lantern. During this activity, we described that it has 2 eyes, 1 nose, and a mouth. We learned about what’s inside the pumpkin like the seeds and the stringy pulp! We had a fun activity where we roasted the seeds and all got to try the final product. This was also a great lesson on being waste-free and utilizing all parts of Mr. Jack o’ Lantern. The toddler classes had a very fun culinary lesson that included them making their very own pumpkin bread from scratch. They measured the flour and cinnamon, and cracked the eggs, and all took turns mixing it up like little bakers! Our classroom is always filled with happiness, compassion and especially lots of love in our little toddlers’ hearts. We had children come to school in Halloween spirit all month long. It was so exciting to see everyone dressed up in their costumes. We did different art projects every week, which made for fun sensory lessons. Children were able to get messy with their colors, and create art that will last a life-time. Everyone’s favorite was decorating their pumpkins! This gave everyone artistic freedom to choose their colors, and use sparkly glitter. We had some very special circle times that included singing songs and dancing. All of our toddler friends LOVE books, especially the pop-up books where we yall “BOO”! Friday is still a shared day, or show and tell. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite toy from home and walk around circle time showcasing something they love. We want to welcome all of our new friends to the Toddler Class; we are so happy you are all here!
October was an epically fun month!! Stay tuned to see what November holds.
September 2021 NEWSLETTER
"Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity." - Kay Redfield Jamison
Our school year started with lots of fun things; the children as well as the teachers were excited to kick 2021-2022 school year a start. We started with meeting new friends and learning a lot about each other. The children got to take an “All about Me” worksheet home to spend some time with their parents to fill it out. It was fun learning about them and seeing them share about the things they do when they are not in school. We created our family wall and children brought their family photo to put it up on the wall.
During our first week, we had fun celebrating Maria Montessori’s birthday. We read her story and the children got to color some pictures of her. Children also had fun learning about the artist of the month, which was Frida Kahlo. They got to see a couple of portraits and paintings of her and learn about her life and dedication towards arts. We finished this week with a fun, Lego Friday. Children brought their own Legos from home and build structures with them. They found this activity fun and enjoyed sharing with their friends.
This week, we started with learning about Apples. Children saw varieties of apples and learn their names. We got to cut an apple and learn its Life Cycle. Children were so excited to be able to name the parts of an apple. The story of “Johnny Appleseed” was their favorite; they enjoyed learning what he did for the people. We ended this week with apple cutting as well as tasting. Children loved sharing which apple was sour, sweet and which one was their favorite.
During the third week, we quickly moved into learning about our Community Helpers. They got to see and learn about who our community helpers are, as well as share who they want to be when they grow up. It was fun learning about each other and doing our fun project of who they want to be when they grow up. On Friday, the children got to dress up and be a community helper of their choice. It was an exciting day and all the children got to discuss about their favorite community helper.
The final week of September, we were able to welcome Fall. Children learned about the meaning of fall. We picked some leaves from outside and watched the color change on them. The most fun part of this week was when the children went outside to pick pinecones and paint them. They had a fun time learning as well as enjoying outside in a fresh environment. Children were excited to finger-paint the leaves and place it on a tree so that we can hang it on our wall. We are excited and cannot wait for October to come so we can enjoy the rest of Fall.
Toddler Classes This month went by fast, but September was full of fun. During this month our unit was all about Transportation. Our BMS toddlers learned all about ways to travel from point A to point B (planes, trains, and automobiles). We described the characteristics of each transportation method. What is a way to travel by water? Boats! What has 4 wheels and drives on the road? Cars! What flies in the air and takes us to distant places? Airplanes and Helicopters! We identified different ways of transportation, how they travel and where we would go in these vessels. Our classroom is always filled with happiness, compassion and especially lots of love in our little toddler’s hearts. We did fun art work every week. One of our art projects was to glue the wheels on our car, and hang them on the road on our wall. Another fun painting project we did was Handprint Stoplights. We painted our hands red, yellow, and green and lined them up like a traffic light. We had some very fun circle times this month. Ms. Krystee brought her roller skates one day, and her scooter another day for all of our friends to try. We all had a blast! All of our friends enjoyed reading our interactive flap books during this unit. Our BMS toddlers were excited to hear their name called to come open a flap and see what’s inside. All of our friends brought very cool transportation items for Share Day and had fun showing to their friends. We want to welcome all of our new friends to class; we are so happy you are here with us! Stay tuned next month for our fun fall October Activities.
Happy Birthday to all of our BMS friends, and Congratulations to all of our BMS Mommies expecting a new bundle of joy this year! We are so excited to see our Blossoms Family grow.
August 2021 NEWSLETTER
“Forget the mistake remember the lesson” -Roald Dahl
August was our final month for the fun summer program. We had a lot of fun in our last few weeks of summer and ended the month with our back-to-school lessons. The first week of August was all about Camping. Our BMS angels learned about campsite safety, what to pack on a camping trip, and even learned how to pitch a tent. Everyone brought their flashlights to school and got to pretend they were under the stars in the wilderness. Our little explorers learned about the beauty of nature and how peaceful it is to be in the wilderness. The most exciting part of this week was constructing huge tents in our classrooms and ending our theme with classroom s’mores!
The second week of this month, our BMS angels learned about ocean life and habitats. They learned about coral reefs and the importance of ocean ecosystems. Our little friends painted the ocean waves, did a mosaic fish craft and Ms. Savi’s class painted and decorated their very own seashells. Our classes also colored and created coral reef and fish crowns to wear; they were so proud of their work. For the fun Friday, to close our ocean life unit, everyone brought beach balls and towels and we had a spray bottle splash day.
The third week of August and our final week of summer fun, we learned about road signs and bicycle safety. Learning about what each street sign means is something the BMS angels can carry into adulthood. Having knowledge about these things at a young age helps them be more aware of their surroundings, resulting in them being safer. It is equally important to learn about bicycle safety and the proper protective gear. Gaining knowledge on bicycle safety, and road sign awareness is a wonderful lesson for all of our BMS angels to use in their day-to-day life. Our classes made their own traffic light crowns; they also led the song of “Red light, Red light What Do You Say.” It was super fun for them to learn the words and play out the actions for this song. For fun Friday, everyone was invited to bring their bikes and protective gear and we practiced putting everything we learned into action. This was a really fun day for all involved and was a great way to close our summer program. The fourth week of August consisted of our first week of back-to-school lessons. Children participated in helping re-decorate their classes and got everything set up for our 2021-2022 school year.
A new month is before us, an old one left behind. They only wish we have for you, is that September is kind. Wishing all of our BMS Families a wonderful month to come. Toddler Classes Our August month in toddler classes was all about Zoo Animals. This was our last summer fun month, and September marks our back-to-school program. During our Zoo unit, toddlers learned and described characteristics of all the different animals we find in the zoo. We emphasized on the male lions having manes. We were able to identify which animals have black and white stripes (zebra), which animals have a long, long neck (giraffe), and which animal has a horn on his nose (rhino). Our classroom is always filled with happiness and compassion. We did artwork every week during this unit. We glued the yarn strings on the lion to create his mane and we did a fun marble painting to give our zebra some stripes. We had a very special circle time consisting of singing songs, reading books and playing our very own instruments. All of our toddler friends LOVED the book "Where is Giraffe.” Where is Giraffe is an interactive pop up and lift the flap book. Children were able to participate and help look for giraffes all on their own. Everyone was so excited to hear their name called. All of our BMS angels were excited to share about their real-life animal encounters and they all enjoyed the song “Let’s go to the Zoo.” During the song everyone got to get up and act like the animals do, swaying their trunks like the elephant, swinging their arms like the monkeys and roaring like the lions. Every Friday is still “share day” which is our version of Show and Tell. Each child is encouraged to bring something cool from home and show it to their friends during circle time.
Thank you for reading and staying tuned with our little angels’ work at BMS.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -- William James
We enjoyed our summer month of July by using weekly themes. During the first week of July, all of our little angels enjoyed a “trip” to Hawaii by learning the locations, names of the islands and also volcanoes around Hawaii. Cultural studies, food and hula dancing added more fun to our trip to Hawaii.
During the second week of July, our engineering camp included types of engineers and their work. BMS angels had fun building bridges and roads using blocks and materials such as rods, cubes and prisms. The goal was to make a bridge using classroom materials, getting a “vehicle” from point A to point B without the bridge collapsing. Children also made foil boats to test their engineering skills in a “sink or float” lesson.
During our third week, Botany camp was lots of fun exploring nature and plants. Our Primary children learned the difference between simple leaves and compound leaves. They also learned about the types of leaves using our Botany cabinet and cards, and we wrapped up the week with a fun scavenger hunt. Children went outdoors in search of plant clippings and brought them back to the classroom for a lesson on texture.
During our last week of July, all of our children became little scientists. They studied states of matter. Our BMS angels enjoyed painting ice cubes, walking rainbows and experimenting rain clouds in a jar. They learned about evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Our primary teachers really enjoyed seeing these little Scientists neurological gears turn.
During July, our primary students learned colors and shapes in Spanish and had fun creating booklets about what they learned as well. For Music in July, we listened to Artist Frank Leto’s songs and movements. Our Toddlers are also enjoying our summer time, and part of our summer time learning has been all about Sea Animals. Our little toddlers have been learning to recognize sea creatures and all about ocean life. We did a fun experiment where we “grew” sea animals in our “ocean.” The toddlers really enjoyed seeing the sea stars and lobsters grow in our ocean tank, which became a very fun sensory project. We filled a plastic bin with sand and water and observed our tank of animals grow every day! We identified different names of the sea animals, and how diverse our ocean life really is. We learned which animals have eight legs (octopus) and which animals have sharp teeth (sharks). The toddler classes really enjoyed participating in animal recognition during circle time and it was fun to see them build confidence in the knowledge as our unit came to an end. We learned that the Blue Whales are the largest creature in the sea. Our classrooms are always filled with happiness and compassion, and we did art work every week in July. One of our art works was painting paper plate octopus’ and gluing on their eight crazy legs. Another one of our sea life crafts was a marble painting of a dolphin. We moved the marble like waves in the ocean to get our dolphin cut-out covered in blue lines. We had a very special circle time, including singing songs and music. All of my friends loved reading the book "Baby Beluga" because this book could be turned into a song. Music and movement were so much fun this month because we learned about the motion of the ocean. Fridays are always “share day” or show and tell. Our BMS angels have a fun time bringing their favorite toy or item from home to share with their friends. During show and tell, each student who brought something gets to walk around the circle and let everyone use two fingers to touch and feel. August is going to be all about zoo animals and we can not wait to have a wild time.
Stay safe and Healthy! Love, Your friends at Blossoms
Another month that went by so fast and we are now half way through our summer. For the Month of June, our students finished the oceans unit and children had fun learning the different parts of the turtle, fish and frog. They learned information and explored the anatomy and life cycle of a fish. We painted a turtle craft which we decorated on our walls.
Our children learned the names of the 5 oceans and their locations. Our little ones really enjoyed the ocean experiment and they were excited to see the “ocean” in real life and some of the ocean layers with our experiment. Our angels also enjoyed an ocean craft with coral reefs and sorting ocean animals to each ocean they call home.
We smoothly moved into an amazing journey to the continent of Europe and its important landmarks. We learned the names of the countries that belong to Europe and their flags, animals, landmarks, costumes and traditions. We learned more about Great Britain, Irish culture and their etiquette, table manners and greetings. It was a week full of adventure and we wrapped up the Europe lessons with a traditional English tea party. All children had so much fun; they dressed up super fancy and got to use their own tea pots and tea cups. Ms. Krystee shared her Japanese tea set with us which helped our children learn the tea set up. We want to give a special thanks to all our parents for making it successful and I hope you enjoyed the pictures. We finished the week by working on Father’s Day activities in which the children got to paint, color and make special cards for their dads.
In summer time, our Montessori classroom takes a little different outlook adding more fun activities and crafts. Our children enjoy every bit of it and it makes our hearts happy to see them excited. Spirit week was really a blast. Each and every one enjoyed dressing up and participating. Our children and our teachers both participated in the Spirit Week. Our children were excited wearing their hats on Monday and their favorite team shirt on Tuesday. It was lovely watching them with crazy hair and beautiful superhero costumes on Wednesday and Thursday. We finished this week with pajamas on Friday and our children got to enjoy a movie accompanied with some popcorn.
Our toddlers did a lot of work focusing on the difference between big and small, and rough and smooth. They did color sorting fruit loops craft, and also painted paper plate chicks. Our toddlers have been learning all about Dinosaurs for our fun summer curriculum. They also learned the differences between an omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore. Our toddlers have worked very hard to free a dinosaur from a fossilized egg. Our paleontologists have been inspecting it with a microscope and using a small brush to brush the dirt away to expose our fossilized friend. We identified the names and different types of dinosaurs. We also learned that the Pterodactyl flies, the Spinosaurus wades in the water, the T-Rex – the king of all Dinosaurs, has sharp teeth and only eats meat. All of our little angels had fun making dinosaur sounds, especially when we sang our dinosaur song, “Here we come…. From afar… ROAR” The toddlers competed to see who had the loudest roar, and they had a blast doing it.
We have a lot to look forward to for the rest of the summer and we will continue to communicate through the app for any updates. Thank you for all you do for our beautiful children!
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”-Winston Churchill
The month of May went by so fast and we got so many fun things done as well as learned many new things. On the first week, we started with learning about our solar system and doing a review on all the planets. The children got to paint their own solar system and color some planets to paste on the plate solar system.
During this month, we learned about Australia where the children got an opportunity to explore the different areas – fun and beautiful places in Australia. Children were able to learn about the different kinds of animals that are found in Australia. We went over the map of Australia and learned the important areas in every city. Ms. Savi shared some cool things from Australia and children were so excited to see the animals, books, hats, and signs you can find on the roads of Australia.
We enjoyed this month by learning so much, including the types of rocks and minerals that we can find around. Children got to explore outside and look for rocks in our playground. They were excited to share their experience and showcase the rock they found in our playground.
We ended this month by learning about the rock cycle. Children had fun coloring the worksheet and creating their own book of different kinds of rocks. On the last Friday of the month, the children brought their show and tell object. They spoke in front of their friends and presented their object during our circle time. We will continue to learn more during our summer curriculum. Children will have many fun activities and will learn about insects, bugs, life cycles and pond life. During the month of May, our children enjoyed an amazing trip to Australia and explored the unique culture, important places, natives, amazing animals, flowers, and plants etc. We wrapped up our lesson by creating a beautiful coral reef of great barrier reef and also a poster with amazing places in Australia.
Children also learned about under the water creatures in Spanish and made booklets. We also had a lesson on symmetry art to understand and learn the elements of a painting and drawing balance as it relates to color and other compositional techniques. Music: We have been listening to Artist Frank Leto’s songs History: Rocks and minerals Art: Art styles of Sidney Nolan (Australian Artist) Practical Life: Basket of animals, boomerang, and hats to explore Botany: Types and names of the flowers that grow in Australia Science: Parts of a fish
This is a fun way of keeping everyone in the loop and up to date on what is happening in our busy and growing toddler’s classrooms! This month, we did a lot of crafts such as the paper plate sun, flowers, matching the shapes, rainbows, and gluing butterflies, while doing painting activities to promote creativity and imagination. For our curious and anxious little friends, we did so many sensory activities, such as sensory bin water activities, bubble wrap walk, and sensory bags and bottles. Each day is an opportunity to learn with our adorable toddlers!
Wishing you all happy birthday and thank you for sharing your special day with your friends!
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” - William Shakespeare
Flower’s blooming, birds nesting, bees buzzing, April showers will bring May flowers. Sharing the happiness of April along with the activities and smiles in our classroom, we are happy to announce and welcome few new additions to our classroom! It was amazing to watch children welcoming new ones to the classroom and showing them the classroom rules, lessons and how we operate as Montessorians. We feel so blessed to be educators having such a peaceful bunch!
During the first week, we finished planting. Children had fun watering the seeds to see how germination takes place and how the seedlings grow. We also introduced and discussed our planet Earth since we will spend some time talking about it for Earth Day. The week ended with coloring worksheets about our planet, Earth.
During the second week, we learned about the life cycle and parts of the root system. We did a fun puzzle and familiarized ourselves with the root system. Our BMS angels had the chance to water their plants and see how much they have grown. In this week, children were also introduced to the concept of recycling and we did a fun activity where they had to place objects in the correct bin.
In the third week, we started learning about the life cycle and the parts of a flower. Our little angels explored the flower puzzle, learned the names of the parts of a flower and colored the coordinating worksheet. We had fun making our own flower anatomy booklet.
This week, we celebrated Earth Day and the children were so excited to make their own hat. We ended the week with coloring Earth Day sheets and wore our hats while singing “Plant a Peace Tree.” Now our angels are ready to take care of our planet Earth by recycling and keeping it clean.
Following week, we learned about the life cycle and the parts of a tree. Our children worked with the tree puzzle while learning the parts and the life cycle, as well as coloring coordinating worksheets. We enjoyed making our own little booklet where we labeled all the parts of a tree. The most fun part for the children was when we did a “Nature Walk” and they observed a tree and named its parts.
Our lesson plans were filled with Earth Day activities and fun. We shared the thrill of living in a place where the weather is so inspiring, with so much to explore, to care for and to respect. Our BMS angels enjoyed a beautiful craft - painting of the Earth. We also had a lesson of living versus non-living things using Montessori pictures and posters. During one of our science experiments, our children also enjoyed a hands-on activity of making secondary colors using our primary colors. Our spring theme will continue with pond life, life cycles, and exploring bugs and insects. We also had lessons about importance of Peace and Respect. To practice and understand this lesson more, we created a beautiful peace corner in our classroom. The purpose of a peace corner is to create an inviting place for a child to find peace. This has helped them to communicate using the peace rose to solve their conflicts through respect and patience. “Light a Candle for Peace” is their favorite song so far.
March 2021 Newsletter
“You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.” - Dr. Seuss
We started the month of March by introducing new lessons in our practical life area. Our little angels had fun learning about rainbows. We read books on rainbows and learned how rainbows are formed in the sky. They did worksheets that covered the colors in a rainbow. The week ended with colorful rainbow painting where children were able to use their fine motor skills.
The second week of March, we read Dr. Seuss’ stories. Our children also brought Dr. Seuss books to school and we enjoyed listening to different stories during our circle time. Our angels read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” and were able to draw their own picture about the book. We ended our week with some fun painting work where children used their feet to make ‘The Cat in The Hat.’
Following week, we learned about Spring and the life cycles of different insects. Our children had the opportunity to learn about the life cycle of a lady bug and did worksheets and puzzles while learning the process. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by chasing “Lenny,” the leprechaun, and searching for a Pot of Gold. We also wore our green attire and had fun celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. We ended our week by doing a Carnation dying activity. We were able to watch the carnations change color after adding food coloring to the water.
Last week of the month, our children were introduced to gardening. Our angels were given seeds to put in a bag to germinate. Once their roots grew, they put them in a small pot with soil and watered them. Children learned the process of planting and all the materials that are needed for gardening.
We finished the month by learning about worms and their life cycle. Our friends enjoyed learning about the life cycle of the worm and some of their fun facts. We celebrated Spring by having a Spring fun party; We had different kinds of snacks and also had our spring egg hunt. Our friends had so much fun and enjoyed all the activities with their friends.
We will continue reading Dr. Seuss’ story books, learn about the weather, seasons - spring specifically, rainbows, germination and how to care for the plants. We also had a lesson on symmetry art to understand and learn the elements of a balance between a painting and drawing as it relates to color and other compositional techniques. During our science experiments, our children had fun observing color changes in various carnation flowers. Our spring theme will continue with pond life, life cycles, and exploring bugs and insects.
February 2021 NEWSLETTER
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” — Helen Keller
The first week of February our children learned about the states of matter. We discussed about three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Our children learned about the particle which is the smallest possible unit of matter, and understanding that matter is made of tiny particles too small to be seen can help us understand the behavior and properties of matter. Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles while liquid and gas are made of more loosely packed particles that has neither a defined shape nor a defined volume. Our children did different experiments and worksheets to understand the changes in the state of matter.
The second week of February was full of happiness and the feeling of enjoyment. The theme of the week was friendship which is fun to learn about. Now our little friends know the meaning of friendship. Friendships are helpful in developing social and emotional skills, increasing a sense of belonging and decreasing stress. During this week, we also learned about love and kindness. We practiced love by celebrating Valentine's Day. Valentine’s Day brings the perfect opportunity to teach our children about the importance of being kind; Clifford, who is everyone’s favorite Big Red Dog, is the perfect pup to help us to get the job done! With his loveable face and his amusing antics, he is a great way to bring lots of kindness—and lots of laughs—into our classroom. So, we read a book titled “Clifford Celebrates Valentine's Day.” During this week, we also had a Valentine’s culinary class. We made red heart-shaped Jell-O. Our little angels also enjoyed the Valentine’s party – They made Valentine’s Cards, played Pick-a-Pal, ate heart-shaped cookies, exchanged gifts and enjoyed friendship songs.
Following, we learned about the Presidents of the United States. Our children learned about the duties of our president, which is to serve as a commander in chief of the armed forces, to take care of the laws and to serve as the head of the government. George Washington was the first President and Joe Biden is our 46th and current President of United States. Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest President; He was 42 years old when he became the President. Our children enjoyed learning about our previous and current president and their roles and responsibilities. Our children did crafts and worksheets related to the theme.
In the last week of February, we continued learning about how states of matter change and how the water cycle takes place. The water cycle is the process of water moving around between the air and the land. The water bodies on the earth get heated, which converts the water to a vapor or gas; the water is then evaporated because of the sun’s heat. The water in the form of vapors then cools down at a certain height and condenses to form clouds. The water keeps condensing to form clouds, but when too much water gets accumulated, the clouds become heavy and makes the water fall from the sky in the form of rain, snow, or hail. The solid form of water is called ice. When the water is heated to a boiling point, it converts to a steam or gas. An example of a steam is a vapor coming out of a hot pot of soup or a steamed broccoli in a covered pot. Our children enjoyed doing science experiments to understand the water cycle. Learning about the states of matter and the water cycle was fun and informative for our children.
Thank you for reading and staying tuned with our little angels’ work at BMS.
January 2021 NEWSLETTER
“By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others.” – SatsukiShibuya
We started the month of January by learning about the winter season. Our BMS angels learned about the winter animals, the winter foods and the winter clothing. They did worksheets and made “chilly” crafts for the winter season – they made a snow cap, a penguin, and a hot cocoa cup. For the “Fun Friday,” our friends made salt snowflakes. It was really fun for our children to learn about textures while doing this arctic activity. 😊
Next week, our children learned about hibernation. They learned about how some animals survive during the winter and how they hibernate until it gets warm again. They also learned where different animals hibernate, and the difference between migration and hibernation. Our angels did worksheets on this theme and made a craft of penguin and a hibernating hedgehog. The best part of this week was “Fun Friday,” when our children wore white clothing and a polar bear mask, pretending to be a polar bear family in their Antarctic ice cave! They enjoyed this activity while exercising their imagination.
During the third week, BMS friends learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and why he is such an iconic figure in American History. They did educational worksheets about Martin Luther King Jr. They also learned and performed on a song about him titled, “There was a Man Who Had a Dream and His Name was Martin Luther King.” They learned about his dream of equality and peace. Our friends also discussed their dreams.
Our little explorers ended the month by learning about Arctic animals. It was a blast for them to learn about Polar bears, Arctic foxes and Walruses. They learned how Arctic animals live and survive in blizzardy conditions. Our children did an experiment where they created snow. They had a “freezing fun” time making snowballs and snowmen with the snow! They did winter worksheets and crafts of Polar bear and an Arctic fox. This week for the “Fun Friday,” our friends enjoyed the “seal race.” They made their masks of a seal and raced outside. January was a month full of discovering new things for BMS friends.
Stay safe and Healthy! Love, Your friends at Blossoms
December 2020 NEWSLETTER
Christmas now surrounds us, Happiness is everywhere Our hands are busy with many tasks As carols fill the air.” - Shirley Sallay
The month of December was learning about celebrations in different parts of the world. Our children learned how Christmas is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, Australia and the United States of America. We had a presentation on how Canadians celebrate Christmas, which included souvenirs from Canada, a mini model of Banff Gondola and a discussion on revival of the old tradition of mummering in the Canadian province of Newfoundland. Children acted out to be mummers and enjoyed this old tradition.
To learn about the Christmas celebration in Mexico, children took turns to break Piñata and receive their treats. They enjoyed this activity of breaking Piñatas and winning candies. Children also did worksheets and created Mexican paper lanterns for Christmas. During the presentation about Australia, children discovered that Santa wears shorts and enjoys at the beach because the weather is hot and sunny during the month of December. They created a craft of a Santa on the beach and did an activity sheet of 6 white boomers.
While discussing the different festivals and traditions, our little friends learned about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We created a Menorah with a silver paper plate and placed blue candles on it.
Children also made their own red nose reindeers. They practiced fine motor development by doing a significant amount of cutting and gluing work. On Friday, our children brought their family pictures from home, and loved discussing about their family members at school. This helped children build self-confidence when speaking in front of a group. Our children also performed a science experiment of color mixing, called “Magic in the Eyes.”
December was the month full of celebrations and joy! Our little friends had lots of fun making their Santa Claus and Reindeers. At the Christmas party, children enjoyed singing and dancing to Christmas songs with their friends in their cozy pajamas with cookies and hot chocolate. The Christmas gift exchange at the party was a cherry on the top.
December was the month of cheers and joy; from the BMS team, we wish lots of happiness and blessings for the new year to all our families.
November 2020 Newsletter
“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.”–Gerald Good
We started our month by learning about squirrels. We learned the body parts of a squirrel, and their different types. Our students enjoyed the Acorn Relay Race while practicing their gross motor skills. Children made two crafts: a squirrel and a crown for their Acorn Relay Race.
In this month, we focused on nutrition. Our little friends learned about the individual food groups and the importance of each. We learned about the food pyramid, the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, and practicing healthy habits. We did an activity where they had to choose and separate healthy and unhealthy foods from a variety placed in front of them. We separated the healthy and unhealthy foods on a paper plate to distinguish their differences. Our children enjoyed the theme, especially the “Healthy and Unhealthy Foods” Activity!
Next week, we discussed with our children the importance of sharing. They learned how we can share, and the ways we can be good helpers. We did an activity where our friends brought a toy to share with their classmates. All of our children excitedly shared their favorite toy with their friends. This activity was a good tool to teach them that sharing is caring, and at the same time, they learned how to be gentle with the things that belong to others.
We ended our month with an attitude of gratitude. We talked about appreciating the little things that happen around us. These discussions were to make children aware of the blessings they have in their lives and to have a sense of wonder about the beauty of this world. Our little angels made Thanksgiving crafts including a “Thankful Turkey” and a ‘thankful handprint’ wreath for our school. Our Thanksgiving Party was filled with Thanksgiving songs, a Turkey Dance and we topped it all off by creating our own party day pilgrim hats! Children enjoyed their Thanksgiving Pizza party. This day was full of laughter and joy!
November was the month for thankfulness; we taught our children to be thankful and to find good in all situations. Thankfulness brings contentment and happiness and we, at Blossoms, would also like to say that we are thankful for having our precious children a part of Blossoms Family.
October 2020 NEWSLETTER
“Just be your own unique beautiful self.” – Rabbit Art
We started the festive month of October by learning about a human skeleton. A model of skeleton was used for the presentation in which our little friends got an opportunity to participate. We first discussed the importance of bones and the significant role bones play in the movement and functions of our bodies. We then discussed with our children the five different types of bones in the human body; flat, irregular, long, short, and sesamoid, which children labeled on the skeleton. The week ended by making a project of a walking skeleton. The children enjoyed the week with knowledge and excitement.
Our next topic was about oral health. During the week, our young friends learned about dental health and the types of food they should eat to prevent tooth decay. They learned the different names of the teeth; incisors, canines, premolars and molars and the ways we can maintain healthy teeth. Children made a craft of a healthy and an unhealthy tooth. We used a standard teeth model to demonstrate our children how to clean our teeth and the use of toothpaste for this purpose. Our children did a wonderful job by showing their cleaning skills on the model.
Following, we learned about pumpkin’s life cycle. For this theme, we presented the stages of the life cycle of a pumpkin. Children made a craft of pumpkin’s life cycle and a pumpkin activity book. Our children enjoyed painting and decorating their little pumpkins too.
We ended the month of October with Fall celebrations. Our friends made many crafts for their Fall party, including their monster masks. On the party day, children dressed up in different costumes. Dressing up was the most amusing part of the celebration. They performed a parade with their masks on. They decorated their sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles. They also enjoyed the songs that we sang during the party. The party ended with trick-or-treating and our little friends enthusiastically participated in all the activities. This month was full of learning and festivities!
Happy Fall from The Blossoms Family.
September 2020 NEWSLETTER
“I never lose. I either win or learn.” Nelson Mandela
Next, BMS little angels discovered the different seasons of the year. They performed five science experiments to explore the different weathers:
Cloud in a jar
Tornado in a bottle
Raining cotton balls
Summer sun rays or solar power s’mores
Snow storm in a jar
Our BMS friends found these experiments very exciting. They also created a weather pinwheel and a craft tree of 4 seasons. Learning the words that describe a weather was a good addition in their vocabulary. Our little friends ended this lesson by creating their own weather book.
Next week, we learned about Circus. We did gross motor activity with hoop and a fine motor activity which included feeding the elephant. Children enjoyed making their own clown masks. They learned about the animals that act in a circus. Our little friends learned new words related to the circus, which increased their vocabulary. This week was full of fun. Best part about this lesson was being able to dance like a clown.
Later, our friends learned about Sharks. They learned about the types of sharks and its anatomy. They did the activity to learn how sharks float. They danced to the baby shark song. They made a craft of baby shark crowns. They also did a feeding activity, which they enjoyed a lot. Now our little angels have knowledge about the white shark.
We ended our month by learning about the Farm. During this week, our friends learned about the farm production and how we produce vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs and meat.
August 2020 NEWSLETTER
“In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein
We started our month with learning about Quondam History. Our children learned about how humans were dealing with the situations in the past. They also watched “The Story of Early Man” and took a quiz after. We made a dinosaur with a banana and also created a dinosaur craft.
Later, we learned all about the safety rules. Our little angels learned about the importance of Emergency Assistance, how emergency assistance can be reached by calling emergency helpline number – 911, and the situations that require a call. During this week, they made fire trucks on the craft day and traffic lights with graham crackers and icing sugar on culinary day.
Following week, our theme was Community Helpers. This theme gave our little friends a lot of insight on our frontline workers. We discussed about the different community helpers, the importance of their existence within our community and how they help us in our daily lives. They did various arts and crafts during the week including a policeman’s cap. On the last day of the week, we invited our little friends to dress up as their favorite community helper. Children dressed up as doctors, policemen, firefighters, teachers, and some as their favorite superheroes. They enjoyed their costume days!
We ended our month by learning about our senses. To explore our senses we did sensorial activities, each day of the week related to our five senses. We did Mystery Bag Activity for Tactile Sense, for Visual Sense children did Blindfolded Walk and learnt about the parts of an eye and its functions. We worked with sound cylinders to discriminate between sounds for Auditory Sense, smelling bottles to distinguish between smells for Olfactory Sense and tasting bottles to understand different tastes for Gustatory Sense.
During this week, children worked on a project of secret letters and words. For this project, the words were hidden as these were written with white crayons. As the children painted on top of those words, these words became visible which then could be read out loud. BMS scholars found the exploration of five senses to be very interesting and fun through the activities and the project. Our friends had a great month full of learning and fun!
“Believe you can and you will.” – Theodore Roosevelt
We started the hot month of July with the theme of American history. We learned about important people in American History. Our friends created hats of American flag and made Independence Day cards for their parents.
Next week, our little angels learned about the water and its properties by doing some experiments. On culinary day, they enjoyed making lemonade. Our little friends learned about the water cycle too. They did an activity about sinking and floating. They also learned about the usage of water and how we can save water and resources.
Our little friends learned about The Animal Kingdom. They did some zoology Montessori lessons. They outlined their hand and made a craft of giraffe. On culinary day, they created a dolphin with a ball in its mouth. They put freebie animals in water so they could see them grow every day.
Next week was about the Plant Kingdom. Children did Montessori Botany lessons; they made a craft of Parts of a Plant. They made a flower with an apple on the culinary day. They did an experiment to learn the importance of water for a plant’s growth.
Later, our friends had a magical week! It was about the Fairyland and Fantasy. Children learned the difference between reality and fantasy. Our little friends made kings’ and queens’ crowns for craft day. They made a magic broom with cheese and pretzels. They played a game of Musical Jewels; they did two activities of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and an activity of a Gingerbread man.
Our BMS friends enjoyed their summer month!
“Devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” – Mitch Albom
Our summer activities started in the month of June. First, our little angels learned about Robots. They enjoyed the exploration day, craft day, culinary day, drama day and motion graphy day. This lesson was full of fun activities and learning about technology.
Next, they learned about transportation. They explored the types of transportation. Children made a craft of a car; they enjoyed the culinary of strawberry & banana cars. Our little friends did a performance on “Red Light” song. They watched a video clip about the modes of transportation on motion graphy day then took a quiz over what they learned. All our friends did a great job on the quiz.
Later, we learned about nature science and performed some science experiments. On exploration day, they did a scavenger hunt of nature and on craft day, they did leaf printing & tree bark tracing. Our little friends enjoyed their culinary activity in which they made a butterfly with grapes and oranges.
Finally, our little friends explored the sea, sand and the sun. They created a craft of beach buckets; they made the sun with pineapple & pretzels and we set up a beach for our kids. Our little friends had fun on the mini beach and we are thankful for the parents who acknowledged and appreciated our efforts.
Thank you for being a part of Blossoms Family. Stay safe.
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt
May was a month of discovering space, Moon, and solar system. Learning in the month of May started with Moon and its phases. It was fascinating for children to learn about different phases of Moon and the reason we see different phases of the Moon on Earth is that we only see the part of the Moon that is being lit up by the Sun. The children learned the names of different phases and did some activities. The most interesting activity was eight phases of Moon with Oreo cookies. We also learned about orbit and rotation which gives children an understanding of how day and night occurs.
Our little friends learnt that the Solar system consists of the Sun and everything that orbits or travels around the sun. One of our children pretended as a Sun and other children pretended as planets. Each child pretending as a planet said his name, color, and the position from the Sun. This game was full of fun and learning at the same time. Our little friends made their Solar System on craft sticks and made their crowns and bracelets.
Learning about space was exciting. We played a hunting activity with space rocks. The letters were hidden in the foil to make them pretend as space rocks which the children then opened to identify and trace them.
The Montessori Land and Water Forms introduce the child to a concrete experience of common topographical features on the Earth, as a part of our larger curriculum in Geography and the Cultural Subjects. Our children learnt about different land and water forms and created a land form diorama project. Many children are visual learners and this model is a great way to introduce different land and water forms Earth consists of.
May was a month of learning about the different components of our wonderful world!
Thanks for staying with a learning environment. Stay safe and blessed from BMS family.
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” -William Shakespeare
For our little ones April was a month full of discoveries and excitement. Our friends learned about the life cycles of different sea world creatures, such as a sea turtle, a fish, and a crab. They also made a craft of crab, turtle, and a fish life cycle. We learned a new song called, “Baby Crab Where is Your Shell.”
Our children enjoyed the outside time and the clear sky. We learned all about the clouds and how a cloud is formed. Our children learned that a cloud is a large group of tiny water droplets that we can see in the air. Clouds are formed when water on Earth evaporates into the sky and condenses high up in the cooler air. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail falling from clouds is called Precipitation.
Learning about The Water Cycle and the different types of clouds which includes high, middle, and low altitude clouds was fun for our children. Children made a craft of different types of clouds with cotton balls and created their own cloud book. This week was full of fun and learning for our little explorers. Following week, our little friends were excited to learn about the pets. Pet Partners were formed based on the knowledge of human-animal bond and their dynamic relationship that positively influences the health and well-being of both. We then learned about how to treat animals and how to take care of our pets and help them fulfill their needs. Our little munchkins learned new songs about the pets.
The last week of April, we learned about the Earth. We did an interactive activity of physical science that includes the layers of the earth. We made a craft of layers of the Earth and did an activity with a boiled egg to understand about the layers of Earth. It was a fun activity for children and a good source of learning too. To celebrate ‘Earth Day,’ we did outdoor activities and had a nature walk. Our children learned about the planet on which we live and the ways we should try to protect our planet. For this purpose, we taught our children ten different ways in which we can protect our planet Earth. We read a book called “It’s Earth Day.”
Our children had fun with Spring Science activities. They enjoyed exploring outside since the weather was pleasant. Spring science activities include weather, plants, seeds etc.
Our little friends did a sensorial experiment with the Spring Tray. They explored the shape of grass, leaves and flowers. Our angels also discovered why insects come out in spring and observed the changed colors of leaves. We performed an experiment of Blooming Puddle Paper Flowers. We made a flower bouquet, a coffee filter butterfly and read a book called “The Thing about Spring.”
Though we missed being with many of our friends this month, we wish all of us to stay safe and healthy.
"Winning does not mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before."
We started the month of March with the theme of “Roots.” It was an opportunity for our little friends to learn and explore about plants and their roots. They discovered that the roots of a plant are different from leaves and stem. Plants need their roots especially for three reasons: the roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil, they often store the food and help plants stay firm to the ground. To understand these facts, we learnt about the roots, what they need, their parts and different types of roots. Children learnt about root vegetables and made carrot craft and soaked celery in red colored water to visualize how root absorbs water to grow.
Following, our children learnt about Biomes. A biome is a large region of Earth that has a certain climate and have certain types of living things. Some of the major biomes include tundra, desert, grasslands, savanna and rain forest. The plants and animals of each biome have traits that help them to survive in their habitat. Our little angels learnt about the animals that are found in different biomes.
We learnt about the continent of Europe. Europe is the second smallest continent in size and the third largest in population. There are 50 countries in Europe. Children learnt about flags and some landmarks of European countries such as Eiffel Tower in Paris, Leaning Tower of Pisa and Colosseum in Rome. They enjoyed making London bus and a Dutch windmill.
In conclusion, BMS family would like to wish everyone to stay safe and healthy.
“February – the month of love! No wonder the shortest one in the calendar.”
The first week of the month of February was about feelings and emotions. This is the best opportunity to teach our friends about how to control and express your feelings and emotions. During this week our little friends did some worksheets and some craft work about the different kinds of feelings and emotions. They did a worksheet of emotion wheel, a worksheet of “This is how I feel today,” Gottman repair checklist, 5 steps to managing big emotions, and “when I feel mad, sad, worried, or unfocused at school, I can….” and the most important thing they learned were calming strategies. Feelings and emotions theme can also help children identify and name their emotions. This theme also teaches the children how to control their emotions as well. Our little angels enjoyed learning how to express their emotions and how to control their big emotions.
The second week of the month of February was full of fun learning. The theme of the week was friendship. What is the meaning of friendship? Friendships are helpful in developing social and emotional skills, increasing a sense of belonging and decreasing stress. Both boys and girls form strong attachments to others and both need social and emotional support. We did some worksheets and craft work to learn about the friendship. During this week we also learned about love and kindness. We also learned about love by celebrating Valentine's Day. Valentine’s Day brings the perfect opportunity to teach our students about the importance of being kind. And Clifford, everyone’s favorite Big Red Dog, is the perfect pup that helps us in getting the job done! With his lovable face and his amusing antics, he is a great way to bring lots of kindness and lots of laughs into our classroom; we read a story book of Clifford to celebrate the Valentine's day. During this week, we also did Valentine's culinary. We made the heart shaped Jell-O. Our little angels enjoyed the Valentine's party. They made Valentine's Cards, they played pick a pal game, they ate heart-shaped cookies, they exchanged the gifts and they enjoyed the friendship songs.
For the third week of February, our theme was spring flowers. Spring is the perfect time of the year to fill your homes and gardens with beautiful flowers. With so many choices, it can be difficult to decide what to get, that is why we have selected some of the most popular ones for their colors, beauty and fragrance. Our little angels learned about the Tulips, Hyacinth, Azalea, Peony, Daffodil, Freesias, Pansy, Crocus, Anemones, Iris, Snowdrops, Allium, Lilac, Bluebell and Primrose. They also did some informative worksheets about some flowers. Our friends made coffee filter flowers, Paper straw flowers, Finger painting flowers, and crafts for Bluebell, Daisy, Snowdrops, Daffodil and Tulip flowers. They also did ABC’s of flowers by Andrew Frenkel. It was a great amusement for our friends to learn about the flowers.
The Fourth week of the month of February, was about Garden insects. We learned about some insect species referred to as beneficial insects that may provide a long-term sustainable pest control solution by preying on the bugs that do a great deal of damage to your garden and backyard plants. Beneficial insects are considered a biological control solution, which refers to methods of controlling pests using other living organisms. Below is a list of beneficial insects to consider:
Praying Mantis
Ground Beetles
Aphid Midges
Braconid Wasps
Damsel Bugs
Green Lacewings
Minute Pirate Bugs
Soldier Beetles
Machined Flies
To learn about all these insects, our little ones did some worksheets. They also created a craft of a Lady Bug and its life cycle. They did a life cycle of a Spider and its craft. They also did a Ground Beetles' life cycle and its craft. On the last day of this month, they learned about the Green Lacewing and Hoverfly; they learned the anatomy of Hoverfly and life cycle of a Green Lacewing. Our friends also made a craft of a hoover fly.
This month, we want to say take care of your friends and family from BMS family.
If you want to achieve your potential, have your children achieve their potential, or have your students achieve their potential, growth mindset is a necessity. Quote of the month 'We started our new year studying about, ‘Hibernation and Animals that hibernate.’ We learned that Hibernation is a way in which some animals deal with the harshness of winter when they curl up in a safe place and stay there until the winter ends. The hibernating animals seem almost dead as they barely breathe, and their body temperature is near the freezing point. Children enjoyed activity of hibernating puppet pals’ and the crafts and worksheets related to hibernating animals.
Following week, we learned about winter sports, winter fruits and berries. It was the most interesting week as our children enjoyed learning about winter animals, especially the largest species of bears - the Polar bears. They learned that Polar bears live in the Arctic and the reason their transparent fur appears white, how they hunt seals, which is the biggest portion of their diet, and how they are considered to be the largest carnivore that lives on land. We watched an informative video clip about polar bears and created a pin wheel of life cycle of a polar bear.
During our third week, we learned about the map, the flags and the instruments of Asia. Children learned that the continent of Asia, with 48 countries, is the largest continent both in size and population. The continent is located mainly in the eastern hemisphere and in the northern hemisphere. Children learned about the highest peak, the largest lake, the longest river and the smallest and largest country in the continent. Our children enjoyed the lessons about the Flags of Asian countries.
Followed by this was the week of celebration of ‘Chinese new year.’ Children made dragon masks, Chinese lanterns and rat as a symbol of this Chinese New Year. In Chinese culture, rats are seen as a sign of wealth and surplus because of their reproduction rate. Now our little geniuses know why rat is a symbol of this Chinese New Year. We did a special informative and interesting presentation about China. Our friends were very excited for this presentation. They learned about history, geography, landmarks and the culture of China. They enjoyed listening to the story of Dragon Dance and enjoyed the Dragon parade.
During the last week of January, our little friends learned facts about Russia, India, Pakistan, Philippines and Maldives. We made multicultural art for Russia, Rangoli craft for India, Philippines craft, Pakistani flag with craft sticks and a beach craft for Maldives. A special presentation about India and Pakistan was given to the children in which children tasted a common dessert shared by both the countries called ‘Kheer’ (Rice pudding). We also made beautiful designs with ‘Henna’ on our little friends’ hands. Henna is a dye prepared from a plant which is used as a tattoo on hands, making it a very special tradition in India and Pakistan for weddings and other cultural festivals.
During the last week of this month, our friends learned a lot of new things about different countries. We are happy that our little friends enjoyed their journey of learning new things.
We wish you a happy and blessed new month from BMS Family.
Chill December brings the sleet, blazing fire, and Christmas treat. First of all, BMS Family would like to say all of you “Happy HOLIDAYs”.
December was the month of joy, love, excitement and festivities. In this month our BMS students worked hard for Christmas and winter. During the first week of December our little friends learnt about the holidays and festivals celebrated around the world- Las Posadas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, St. Lucia’s Day and Three Kings Day. Children did activities like coloring sheets and mini books of Las Posadas and Hanukkah. Our children learnt about symbols and items related to Hanukkah and created Hanukkah candles with paper plates and a Star of David craft with craft sticks. We read a book of Clifford celebrates Hanukah and watched a very informative video clip about how Hanukkah is celebrated. Next, we learnt about Kwanza, St. Lucia’s and Three Kings Day. Children made Kwanza candle craft and St. Lucia’s crown. We also watched an informative video of Three Kings Day.
During the second week of December, our little friends learnt about Christmas celebrations in Netherlands, Portuguese, Venezuela, Egypt and USA. They learnt about Netherlands and Portuguese flags. Children did craft of tulip flowers, Portuguese turkey and Egypt collar. The most exciting thing was the decoration of our classroom Christmas tree and singing Christmas songs. We made teardrop Christmas ornaments and Santa’s stocking with red and white construction paper. We also read a story “How to catch Santa?”. This week was full of excitement for our little friends as they did wonderful job of decorating their classrooms for Christmas. We are so proud of our little helpers.
The following weekstarted with winter theme. Children learnt about winter clothing, food that we enjoy in winter and they also made a craft of snowman. Finally the day arrived for which our little ones were very excited for two weeks. It was the Christmas party. Our little angels were looking cute in their pajamas and Santa hats. They sang Christmas songs, did ornament decoration on Christmas tree, decoration on sugar cookies and enjoyed warm chocolate drink. They did exchange of books with their friends as Christmas presents. We watched a story of Santa Clause and Olaf’s Night before Christmas. At the end of the exciting day our friends watched a Christmas parade. After the Christmas, our friends were ready for New year They made new year hats and new year masks.
So now BMS friends are ready to say Welcome 2020 and Happy New Year to all of you!
November 2019 Newsletter
"The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn". Maria Montessori
The month of November is the month to say thanks to everyone. BMS Family would like to thank all our parents and children for being a part of Blossoms Montessori School.
In the First week of November,our children learned about countries, capitals, and flags of North America – Canada, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. They learned that North America is the third largest continent in size and the fourth largest in population. The North American continent houses 23 countries. The continent is located in the Northern and the Western Hemisphere. Our friends made Uncle Sam’s craft with the paper plate. They then watched a three-minute video clip about the flags of North America.
They worked with Montessori nomenclature cards of Flags of North America. Our children colored flags of North America and did some worksheets. We also learned about Canada, its climate, the languages spoken, its major cities, natural resources, coastline, border and much more. Our children then made an ice hockey craft for Canada’s national game and colored Canadian national flag. During the week, we learned about the highest mountain in Mexico, its national symbol, population, tourism, language, cuisine, sporting culture and much more. We arranged a presentation about Mexico and made sugar skulls on craft sticks. Central America is generally considered part of the continent of North America, but is often referred to as its own region. Central America was the home to many Native Americans prior to Europe colonizing the region. The majority of the area was colonized by Spain. Spanish is still the most common language.
Children enjoyed learning about another region that is considered part of North America – the Caribbean Islands. We arranged a presentation for Central America and the Caribbean; children discovered that the largest four Caribbean Islands are Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.
During the Second week of November,we did United States' (Flags & symbols,) States & Capitals, Native American Tribes, and Native American Instruments. We shared a list of United States' capitalcities with our little geniuses. We learned that each capital city is the center of government for the state, usually in the capital building. The capital city with the fewest people is Montpelier, Vermont, while the capital city with the most people is Phoenix, Arizona. They made craft of Liberty Bell and did worksheet of clue match up of United States symbols. Our little friends enjoyed the most when they learned more about Texas, the state we live in, its flag, capital, state flower and state bird. The children watched a video clip of Native Americans and made Native American Women craft.
The Third week of November,was full of great fun and excitement for BMS children. It was a week of gratitude, grace, courtesy and a Thanksgiving party. Our friends talked about gratitude and courtesy. We shared some information about gratitude with our angels. We told them that Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, such as having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, even good education and having access to technology such as computers. Our friends played gratitude scavenger hunt, did 7 days gratitude challenge and made their gratitude pinwheel. On the last day of the week, we had our Thanksgiving party. It was great fun. Children dressed up like Indians for the party. They made Native Indian crowns for themselves and paper plate turkey to hang on the wall. They also finger painted a turkey to thank their parents for everything they do for them. Our little angels enjoyed the culinary when they prepared pie for themselves. They performed a turkey dance, crown race, sang thanksgiving songs and enjoyed the food. We showed them a video clip on the history of thanksgiving. It was a great fun.
We thank all our BMS parents and faculty members who made this event so special for our children. Happy Thanksgiving!
October 2019 Newsletter
“It is surprising to notice that even from the earliest age, man finds the greatest satisfaction in feeling independent. The exalting feeling of being sufficient to oneself comes as a revelation.” Maria Montessori
First, we would like to say Happy Fall to our BMS Parents. The First week of October, our primary children learned all about fall. It was a week of exploring and observing the change of weather. Our children went outside and collected twigs, fall leaves and flowers. They noticed how leaves and trees are changing colors and learned about the four seasons. They enjoyed the weather song and specifically learned a fall song. Now our young friends know when fall starts and when it ends. Our primary children made their fall tree with finger painting and depicted a fall picture with the twigs collected by them. We also made a fall tree with sight words in one of our primary classrooms. The activity which was most enjoyed by our children was leaf shaped bread activity. They used brown, yellow and red colored whipped cream on leaf shaped bread and ate their yummy treat. It was super fun for our children. We read a book about fall, named “Hello Fall” and showed a three-minute video clip about why leaves change color in the fall.
The Second week of October, was about Human Anatomy. The children learned about the vital organs and systems that are responsible for maintaining proper functions of the human body. During this week, our children learned that the human body is divided into several main structures. The head houses the brain which controls the body. The neck and trunk houses many of the important organs that keep our body alive and healthy. The limbs help our body to move and function in the world. We used a model of human body in order to give a clear understanding to the children about brain – its parts and its function. Stomach, heart, lungs, liver and their vital functions were also discussed. The children did worksheets and several crafts related to body parts – a craft of human skeleton with cotton buds, lungs with balloons and straws and kidney model with kidney beans.
The Third week of October, children learned about nocturnal, diurnal and crepuscular animals. Now our little friends know that nocturnal animals stay up and active at night and spend their days resting while diurnals are active during the days as they hunt and feed, and sleep during the nights. The crepuscular animals are active during both dawn and dusk and the children also learned about the different species that belong to these groups.
Following week of October, was about Zoo & Forest animals. We discussed why animals live in a zoo and talked about a safe environment for animals who are being threatened by the changes in the environment.Often zoos will work to breed and maintain endangered animal populations. Sometimes animals are nearly extinct in the wild and the only place they survive is in the zoos. We also talked about Forests which are full of living and nonliving things that depend on each other. Trees, ferns, and shrubs grow in the forest for the animals that survive on these plants. It is an all-time favorite theme for our young friends as they enjoy learning about the animals. Children also enjoyed making the craft work related to animals such as elephant, zebra, mouse and a monkey puppet.
The Last week of October, was full of fun and our friends enjoyed a lot. In this week, we made Halloween crafts – spooky ghosts, bats and monster mask. Children loved making paper plate ghosts and painting their pumpkins. On 31st of October, we celebrated during our Fall party. Children did apple bobbing in the morning and decorated their pumpkins. Parents were invited for our fall party. The children performed on songs while dressed up in their Halloween costumes. They did a costume parade, enjoyed trick or treat and had face painting. Our parents and children loved fall decoration. We are very grateful to all our BMS Parents who joined us in the fall party, contributed for the snacks and participated in Trick-or-Treat. This contribution really made the event special for our children. We are thankful to all our parents for appreciating the efforts of our faculty and giving us positive feedback. Thank you, parents, for being part of Blossoms Family.
“The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.” Maria Montessori
September 2019 Newsletter
September was the start of the new educational year. So, it was full of energy and excitement. In September, our children learned about Geography. In Montessori System, Geography helps children place themselves on Earth, fostering care for the rivers, forests, oceans, and people. Physical geography focuses on the features of Earth's environment. "If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder... he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering withhim the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in." —Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder
First week of September
In the first week of September, we did Sandpaper (Brown and Blue) Globe and Land, Air and Water project. We colored the globe naming the continents and learnt the difference between sandpaper and colored globe. In this week, our children did worksheets as well as some craft work. They made a globe with coffee filters and washable markers. They also did continents’ worksheets. They colored worksheets for brown and blue globes so they could understand the difference between land and water on the globe.
Second week of September
During the second week of September, we did parts of the Earth and introduction to mapping. They did mapping of their classroom shelves, the classroom itself and the school. Our children did very well. They learned about the layers of Earth. They then made those layers on craft paper. Later, they made a play dough earth and cut it into two pieces so they could observe the layers of earth. Now our children are ready to tell about crust, mantle, inner core and outer core. It was a great experience to learn about all these things. We watched a video about parts of the Earth on YouTube by learning Junction. It was 3 minutes of a clip which was very informative.
Third week of September
During the third week of September, we did a Hemisphere Map – Western and Eastern hemisphere. We learnt the names of the continents in each hemisphere and also learnt about what an ocean is and what a sea is. We did different worksheets to understand about oceans, seas and hemispheres. We watched 4 minutes of a video clip to explore about the oceans and seas. Our little friends learned that a hemisphere is formed by dividing the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the equator, or into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres at Prime Meridian. If you cut that ball in half, you will have two hemispheres. They also learned that the continents of North and South America are entirely in the Western Hemisphere.
Last week of September
During the last week of September, our children learned about the different oceans and seas and the difference between an ocean and a sea. They also labeled different oceans and seas. They also learned that the difference between oceans and seas is that oceans are massive saline water bodies that exist on the Earth's surface while seas are vast saline water bodies that are either connected or not connected to the ocean. They also made crafts of sea animals and ocean animals. They did worksheets about the sea and ocean animals. They also enjoyed learning about The Seven Seas which include the Arctic, Antarctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific and Indian Oceans. The exact origin of the phrase 'Seven Seas' is uncertain, although there are references in ancient literature that date back thousands of years. In conclusion, this was the month to discover the geographic world for our little explorers.
August 2019
August 2019 Newsletter
First of all, we would like to say happy new educational year to you. First week of August was our 2nd last week of summer program and the theme was community helpers. Our children enjoyed that week so much because it was a time for them to pretend to be doctors, firefighters, a handy man, a nurse, a policeman, a baker or a teacher. Our children made their doctor’s bag, handyman’s bag, a firefighter’s hat, a police car; they made some donuts and hot dogs with craft paper and they gave a presentation about their favorite profession. All the children of primary classroom participated and discussed something about their favorite profession. During this week, our little friends came to know what a doctor, a handyman, a policeman, a teacher, a firefighter and a baker does as a community helper. Our children also did a fire prevention worksheet. Now they know how to prevent a fire. Our friends did an activity about the Best Firefighter Award. They made their own certificates as if they themselves were the best firefighters. They did “I am a doctor” worksheet. They also learned about how a policeman protects us and made a police car with paper plate. It was a very informative week that was full of excitement for BMS children.
Second week of August was the last week of our summer program and the theme was “Circus.” Our children made clowns on a paper plate. They made clown masks too. It was fun for them to create and wear clown masks. They also made a movable paper clown and used that as a puppet. Our children did some worksheets about circus. They watched a two-minute video clip called “A Day at the Circus for Kids.” It was an informative video clip. Children learned about circus animals as well as clowns. Our young friends made caramel apple crafts with puffy paint and created clown’s hat with paper crafts and then finally enjoyed a walk wearing the clown’s hat.
The third week, we had so much fun learning about apples. We learned about the life cycle of an apple and different parts of an apple. The children saw different parts of a real apple as well. We made an apple core craft on paper plate with paints and apple worms with red paper plates. The children tasted 8 different kinds of apples and we learned that there are about 7,500 varieties of apples that are grown throughout the world.
The fourth week, we learned about directions. We played a game where children would go North, South, East, and West part of the classroom; it was a fun movement activity. Later, we learned about the compass and how it shows directions. They enjoyed following where the compass guided them.
During the last week of August, BMS organized a presentation about the dental health for our children. Dental hygiene for preschoolers should be a priority, even though baby teeth do not stick around for long. After all, children can develop cavities and teeth can decay if they are eating sugary foods and not following a proper oral care routine. Keeping all these things in mind, during the last week of August, BMS arranged a presentation about the dental health of our children. With the help of Dr. Dai, we provided a lot of information about dental hygiene. Our children were very excited to see a big molar. They got some goody bags too. Hopefully now our little friends know how to take care of their teeth and what kind of snacks they should eat and what to avoid.
We are very thankful to our parents who always encourage us and appreciate our efforts. Please always be with us to paint a better future for our BMS children. Thank you, Blossoms Montessori School Team